Vader19 wrote:
Did you pull the head, I'd be willing to bet that there's a gasket made of tin can between the head and the cylinder... Man that sucks... good videos though + for those...
Yup, stripped it down, no head gasket (thankfully) but the base gasket was double layered and badly fitted, which wasn't the problem, took the barrel & piston off and the crank has a deep recess in the conrod which looks machined, without going into too much detail the crank is running out of line and the flywheel bearing has been chemical welded in place!
Oh and it stated 1965 VBC and stamped on the casings, yet it has 3 ports which appear original (no machining or grinding marks) which I think I'm right in saying it should have 2 ports and 3 ports appeared first in the 70's Veloce?
There's other things which lead me to say the engines scrap and why I'm throwing a PX engine in it, I've seen 150 Super engines on fleabay but I don't trust those now without digging.
Sorry I'm going on, as I said it's almost a thread on it's own.
PS don't laugh at me too much, I already know I was a knobhead for buying it in hindsight.