xantufrog wrote:
Big Foot wrote:
I'll keep looking out for a nice Rally 200,
That's the scooter my friends recommended that I should have got.
Either that or a Lambretta,
Not sure which Lambretta is the best model to get though.
Yes, a Rally 200 would be bitchin. Get one if you can. BUT - it will not be more reliable than an equally good condition P200... don't know if your friends meant to impart that advice or not. A P200E is in most respects an uglier Rally 200 with improved electrics and suspension.
You might have had a lemon P, or just a few missed swings with the troubleshooting... don't mistake a P200E as an unreliable vintage scooter model. It's the opposite.
Lambrettas... if you found a P200 to be unreliable, you're heading in the wrong direction with most lambretta models.
Still, if you know your way around a wrench most vintage scooters will be just fine to ride.
The problem I had was that I had two mechanics that were working on the P200E,
One mechanic thought I wanted a high performance bag of hammers
and the other thought I wanted a stock daily runner.
I ended up having one really messed up scooter.
I really did want a basic stock scooter that took me to work and back,
I ended up just trading it in at a loss and getting a more reliable 2006 GTS 250.
From what I have heard the P200E is a very reliable scooter,
I just ran into the worst mechanics with the wrong intentions.
I've been thinking of just getting a 50 special and leaving it alone,
I drove one in Italy and loved it, Trouble is, They are tough to find now.
I'd be lucky to find a German built P80.