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The ad says it's a P210, But there isn't a glove box
Could he have removed the glovebox?

I'm not that interested in buying it, Just curious about what it was before he modified it.
My previous scooter was a P200E before I bought the GTS 250.
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The glovebox is simply 4 nuts away from being removed Thats a P. No funny business there.
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Valimagdon wrote:
The glovebox is simply 4 nuts away from being removed Thats a P. No funny business there.
True It is a P with the glovebox removed. They're ugly anyway and give us dudes with long legs who ride two up with hot chicks more room

I hope my advice was straight and to the point with the appropriate amount of cheer and good will and without any negative connotations so Aviator doesn't get mad and interrupt this thread to condemn the way people talk instead of just allowing questions to be asked.
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Thanks for the heads up, Been toying with getting a 2nd scooter,
But with my bad experience with my old 1979 P200E, I'm a bit reluctant to buy.

I'll keep looking, This one looks to be like a bag of hammers,
I'm looking for a nice daily rider and a backup scooter.

I'll keep looking out for a nice Rally 200,
That's the scooter my friends recommended that I should have got.

Either that or a Lambretta,
Not sure which Lambretta is the best model to get though.


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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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Big Foot wrote:
I'll keep looking out for a nice Rally 200,
That's the scooter my friends recommended that I should have got.

Either that or a Lambretta,
Not sure which Lambretta is the best model to get though.
Yes, a Rally 200 would be bitchin. Get one if you can. BUT - it will not be more reliable than an equally good condition P200... don't know if your friends meant to impart that advice or not. A P200E is in most respects an uglier Rally 200 with improved electrics and suspension.

You might have had a lemon P, or just a few missed swings with the troubleshooting... don't mistake a P200E as an unreliable vintage scooter model. It's the opposite.

Lambrettas... if you found a P200 to be unreliable, you're heading in the wrong direction with most lambretta models.

Still, if you know your way around a wrench most vintage scooters will be just fine to ride.
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xantufrog wrote:
Big Foot wrote:
I'll keep looking out for a nice Rally 200,
That's the scooter my friends recommended that I should have got.

Either that or a Lambretta,
Not sure which Lambretta is the best model to get though.
Yes, a Rally 200 would be bitchin. Get one if you can. BUT - it will not be more reliable than an equally good condition P200... don't know if your friends meant to impart that advice or not. A P200E is in most respects an uglier Rally 200 with improved electrics and suspension.

You might have had a lemon P, or just a few missed swings with the troubleshooting... don't mistake a P200E as an unreliable vintage scooter model. It's the opposite.

Lambrettas... if you found a P200 to be unreliable, you're heading in the wrong direction with most lambretta models.

Still, if you know your way around a wrench most vintage scooters will be just fine to ride.
The problem I had was that I had two mechanics that were working on the P200E,
One mechanic thought I wanted a high performance bag of hammers
and the other thought I wanted a stock daily runner.

I ended up having one really messed up scooter.

I really did want a basic stock scooter that took me to work and back,
I ended up just trading it in at a loss and getting a more reliable 2006 GTS 250.

From what I have heard the P200E is a very reliable scooter,
I just ran into the worst mechanics with the wrong intentions.

I've been thinking of just getting a 50 special and leaving it alone,
I drove one in Italy and loved it, Trouble is, They are tough to find now.
I'd be lucky to find a German built P80.
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Lol then you should peruse scoot.net and CL more often. There were all 3 models for sale in the last week or 2. I bet the 50 is still for sale.
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