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As many of you know I had my bike painted a week ago and due to a certain unnamed part-breaking putting it back together has dragged to almost a halt.

I have all the Vespa AND Adidas stickers to put back on the bike, however I am really liking the way it looks with no decals. Nice and plain. Wha? emoticon

What am I to do? I will put the Super emblem back on but should I.............

A. Leave all the decals and emblems off?
B. Put only the Adidas stickers back on?
C. Put it back the way I had it with all emblems and decals?
D. Use a whole new design of Adidas graphics?
E. Return it to a boring showroom stock look?

Here is a bad pic but you get the idea. I needed to come in and do something because the mosquitoes are tearing me apart out there. Wha? emoticon
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I vote B.

No Vespa logos, Adidas only.
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E, minus those fugly reflectors. Go for some stylish reflective decals. I don't dig branding vehicles with product logos, but its yours, do what feels right
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As far as logos go, the Adidas one (just the stripes) is pretty discreet. The pot leaf or whatever...not so much. It's not obvious like the Nike "Swoosh" or the Apple logo, though. I know you love the Adidas thing, so I can understand wanting to put things back the way they were, but it's personally not my taste. I don't even rock a dealer license plate frame, and I actually *like* my local dealer!

The way I look at it is that it's my scooter, not a billboard - I don't advertise on it unless I'm getting paid. If you were an Adidas employee or perhaps won the scooter in an Adidas contest, I could see it. Going out of your way to rock a corporate logo (and not just with a small decal) at your own expense just doesn't compute in my brain.
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Masala wrote:
I don't even rock a dealer license plate frame, and I actually *like* my local dealer!
What is funny for those who have never met me or seen my other stuff I am always the first person to take logos and decals off of everything. I hate stickers. Something about this bike though makes me think different.

Look at the pic of my old GSXR for example, I took all the graphics off.
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What they all said:
Unless I am getting paid to advertise, phooey on that hooey!

I am a fan of stripes, though. Ace the Adidas logos and keep their pinstripes!
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You could go with putting the chrome mudflap women on the sides.

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Or, go to your local sign shop and have several designs printed on magnetic sheets. That way you could change what you have on the side of your bike to suit your mood.

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I think you need black stickers, because the white alone is "girlie"
Razz emoticon

Seriously though,
you did a really nice job with the Adidas stickers
If you're a serious Adidas fan, I would put them back

If you're not, I would suggest designing something equally cool
but following a theme that has more meaning to you

BUT... I see all that bodywork on a Vespa as a marvelous opportunity for self expression
and not everyone looks at it that way
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I loved the first look, but why not change it up a bit? I vote option D
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I've been along both paths. Not long ago I had a lot of scooter club decals on my glovebox, but later removed them. Now I just have one small Malossi sticker at the bottom of a side panel, since I fitted the Malossi cylinder/head kit.

But I don't even wear any clothing with writing or emblems on the outside. Even if I was paid to, I wouldn't treat myself or my scooter as a billboard.

But I don't put racing stripes and such in that category, only advertisements. Back in 1961 I was the first in Johannesburg to have checked stripes on my GS.

Anyway, you can always remove them, so ring the changes on your scoot, and keep your mates guessing.

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Give it a "classic" touch and have some "Cushman" stickers made.

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Plain, and remove the reflectors & fill the holes....clean look!
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i'm no fan of corporate logos either tho i have to admit the adidas theme looked pretty striking. what about a single, bold custom graphic? glover has done a nice job with his:

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Why the Adidas stickers? are you sponsored by them!!!

I like it blank, stripes are ok...

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I'm not a fan of Decals
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Vezpa, Like some others, I'm not a fan of using corporate advertising to decorate anything (though I'm ok with logos left on the original, accept maybe in clothing). That said, what other's do is totally their gig. In your case, "Adidas" has created a peculiar but affectionate identity for you in this community, like, who is this guy and what's with the "Adidas" thing, already? I look forward to reading your posts and I'm always a little curious.

Me, I'd see this as an opportunity to start fresh and redesign (using whatever Adidas business you wish). What does your mom suggest? Paint job looks sweet, by the way.
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Just ride it naked for a bit (the scoot, not you) and see how you like it. You can always add stuff at a later date.
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Just put the threestripes up the cowls either side, and a little Adidas/potleaf on the legshield. Shoe style 8)

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He's not the only one that likes them
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Keep it plain.

It will still look awesome years down the road.
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stock plus 1 small sticker (@glove box cover). that is my way
i put more stickers at the top case, but the vespa itself is clean.
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The best solution: buy an identical white Vespa. Now you have two. Keep one absolutely plain. Decorate the other with decals, stripes, whatever your heart desires. A couple of months later, see which one you've put the most mileage on. Sell the other one. This is the best solution, not necessarily the cheapest.
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I liked the look of the way you had it before the "crash". You could do the opposite of what CHICHIKOV said and YOU ride naked Laughing emoticon We'd all chip in for bail money. I would love to see the cops face when you got pulled over. Who knows addidas may even sponsor your bike then
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Dude, you are a Gangsta Pimp you're going to end up doing whatever you want to do anyway!
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I really like the clean look. That said I am putting a couple stickers on my girly Aurora Blue LX150 to attempt to man it up. If mine was white like yours I'd strip off everything I could.
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You can't not put the stickers on . . . seriously. It's the Adidas scoot.

You can always pull them off later, but you HAVE to put them back on. No question. You have to restore it to its former glory.
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I think it's an oportunity for a fresh start on the sticker theme. Popcorn emoticon
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go crocs
id go something other than bigbrand logos.... i do like glovers even though the levellers are the more mainstream mans new model army Razz emoticon
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I vote A.

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When will we find out what you've decided?

Or will you be springing it on us, as a surprise?
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TurtleGT wrote:
When will we find out what you've decided?
Springing it on us, as a surprise. I'm waiting to have it all back together and for an order to come in.
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Why the Adidas stickers? are you sponsored by them!!!

I like it blank, stripes are ok...
My thoughts, exactly.
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Re: go crocs
T5bitsa69 wrote:
id go something other than bigbrand logos.... i do like glovers even though the levellers are the more mainstream mans new model army Razz emoticon
Laughing emoticon Took me back a bit
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Well I vote D: come up with a new design. It's not often you'll get the chance to do it, so you might as well make the most of the opportunity. You might even try some mockups in photoshop while you wait for part/s!

I'm liking the blacked-out transmission cover BTW. Was it like that before, or is this part of the new design....
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It should be what it was. I vote boring stock showroom.
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Watch he'll switch to nike logo's on us Crying or Very sad emoticon
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