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2007 vespa gts 250
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I took my fuel injection pump out of my scooter. I see that the fuel filter is part of the pump system. I would like to install an out board fuel filter. What i am wondering if this will be ok. Any opinions welcomed

On another note i was checking my profile and i have a kamara rating of negative. If any one would be so kind to check my past posts, comments and tell me why you think I was branded negative. Other than that I like the group here.

O for got , 2007 Vespa gtsie 250cc.

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Well one thing you posted 9 days ago was rated negative (that's at least 3 negative votes- I think) and one of the raters was kind enough to post why they did it. If you really don't know why, check out which posts are rated badly by doing a search for your name, with the" Display results as: Posts" and "Return first all available characters of posts" at the bottom.
If you want to argue that you don't deserve your negative rating- well that never turns out well for the complainant.

2007 vespa gts 250
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2007 vespa gts 250
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fuel filter
Thanks for the explanation. Now i have to figure out how to find the negative posts. So you are telling me I have three negative comments?
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Three negative ratings from one post, with one person 'Manning up' as to why they rated it negative. As to if others of your posts were negative- I don't know, and it means going though each of your past postings to figure it out.

2007 vespa gts 250
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2007 vespa gts 250
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Fuel filter
Harvey thank you for the explanation. Looks like i will keep my mouth shut for a while.
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TDI i gave you a positive. Forum has changed in the 4yrs that we've been on. Please keep posting. BTW i lived in Schenectady while doing some of my nursing training at Ellis. Originally from Columbia county and went to New Lebanon HS.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Re: Fuel filter
tdilover wrote:
Harvey thank you for the explanation. Looks like i will keep my mouth shut for a while.
Just don't make political posts, simples.
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As for the fuel filter, it should be fine, if you have the room to put one inline between the tank and the carb. If you can put it before the pump, even better. Post pictures when done.


2007 vespa gts 250
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2007 vespa gts 250
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fuel filter
I will try and post pictures. Right now i am in the process of buying a new house well new to me and selling my older house. So i am pretty busy. When things calm down i will get with the project. I am wondering if dirt particles are getting in to the injection pump. I have one here which i am going to take apart and inspect it with a magnifying glass. Before i do that I am going to see if it will pump fuel. If it does i will run it till it stops. Wait till it cools down. I am going to add a little oil in the fuel and see what that does. I want to find out what part in the fuel injection pump is going south.


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