Thank you all for your helpful comments
I was throwing quite a tantrum about this and it was quite soothing to get some perspective
I will not be trying to return the gloves--I got them from NewEnough
and they always warn you not to get leather gloves if you're going to get them wet repeatedly
Besides, I noticed as soon as I got them
that they were more cheaply made than my husband's gold/tan ones from 2007
You can see this below (They are the same size, I intentionally got mine big)

The leather in my 2010 gray ones is thinner and lower quality
and the holes in my gray ones are bigger & closer together, among other differences
Some of those that you've recommended look pretty great!
For the Corazzo Carbone folks:
* What happens if both your hands & the gloves are wet, can you still get them on easily?
* And are they still comfortable?
(I've been finding a lot of man-made materials feel clammy & unpleasant when wet)
For Jimbo:
* Does it bother you that there's no perfs on the palm?
Those sure look promising, otherwise