woodenhead wrote:

Hmm. I guess free wasn't cheap enough. Nice not having to do that job twice, anyways. Head out this way the next time you go on one of your jaunts out from "the big smoke".
Shit no, Steve. I had a $100.00 bill in my pocket and rather than risk losing it in the wash or something I thought it was best to dispose of it as quickly as possible. The truth of the matter is that I wanted to spend some money at Urban Wasp... they really are our only hope for a
good Vespa/Piaggio dealership in these parts and if we don't patronize them we could lose them. I have no qualms about buying it there. Let's not revisit my spark plug incident with 'the other' dealer though... those prices were simply too absurd for words.
(I've heard some rumblings that the third dealer in these parts may not be around much longer
As for 'The Big Smoke' I heard Highway1 was closed yesterday out your way due to a rather smoky brush fire...
I'll make it out there soon... I just can't say for sure how soon...