"Thats the one with the bad steering tubes.they stick when turning and left it up to the buyer to fix.Some parts are actually made in China.Thats sad beings they charge so much.Its was bad steering tubes that has killed a few in traffic in Europe.and they still haven't perfected it.Please note that when changing lanes in traffic when the deaths occurred steering stuck to the left putting them right in front or side swipes the car next to you.and get this its your fault,,, as your vehicle was faulty.most of time the triscoot is damaged they cannot tell if it was mechanical.leaving your family with the burdon of paying the other guys bills.SUICIDE Machine is what they are calling them.Whats sad is that Honda built the first three wheeler scoot with that design in a Honda Gyro 50 cc.Honda recognized the problem thats why they did not mass produce them.Very unsafe.and under powered big time."
When I bought my Piaggio mp3 500, I was also considering this guy's Honda Silverwing. Is this just sour grapes I'm getting from him, or does he know what he's talking about?