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I dunno if there's anything special about it but this was alluded to me by someone who shall remain nameless.

There's a hidden plunger/seat release in the rear portion. I don't believe it's original to this bike and the latch hardware is missing from the bike itself.

Am thinking of switching to the correct(?) solo saddle and adding a removable passenger seat on the luggage rack.
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@chaus avatar

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@chaus avatar
58 allstate,66 bluebadge,65 ss180,57 ape,47 regal,8 toppers,10 Papoose's
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That seat is from a benelli wards riverside scooter 1966
@spunkyantlerdance avatar

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Restich by hand [it's not as hard as it sounds all the holes have been punched] I think that seat is sick .P.S. please reply if you want to sell.
@crazycalabrese avatar

1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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@crazycalabrese avatar
1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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chaus wrote:
That seat is from a benelli wards riverside scooter 1966
Too bad no one can offer any details LOL! Clown emoticon Thanks for the info
spunkyantlerdance wrote:
Restich by hand [it's not as hard as it sounds all the holes have been punched] I think that seat is sick .P.S. please reply if you want to sell.
I'd consider selling it, but will only accept bars of Gold Pressed Latinum. Please contact my representative: Quark (you can spot him by his big ears, but don't touch!!)

On an even more ridiculous note, how many quatloos may it be worth? Not looking or expecting to get rich, just curious as to what the market values these at. Am willing to trade, but we'd need some common ground.
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pretty cool looking seat. There were some aftermarket seats made in italy (Vigano?) during the 1960's that I have seen that look very similar.

A neat find definitely, and worth more than a stock seat IMHO.

At minimum it gets more points for style.
@chaus avatar

58 allstate,66 bluebadge,65 ss180,57 ape,47 regal,8 toppers,10 Papoose's
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@chaus avatar
58 allstate,66 bluebadge,65 ss180,57 ape,47 regal,8 toppers,10 Papoose's
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They are on flea bay often 40-60 bucks
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boiled egg
looks alot like a lambretta coke bottle
@jamesjohn avatar

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i think its ugly and would not want it anywhere near my bike, so yea closer to the flea bay price. imho
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Super Gandalfi/Pegasus seat. it was a 60s acessory. id rock it on my VBB. they make repros now so they dont fetch a ton of loot.
@crazycalabrese avatar

1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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@crazycalabrese avatar
1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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Thanks for all the replies. I'm not really diggin this thing and it hurts my buttocks (and my ass too). The only reason I'd consider keeping it (after reupholster etc) is for it's "cool factor" But I'm so cool to begin with that I really don't need it LOL
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crazycalabrese wrote:
Thanks for all the replies. I'm not really diggin this thing and it hurts my buttocks (and my ass too). The only reason I'd consider keeping it (after reupholster etc) is for it's "cool factor" But I'm so cool to begin with that I really don't need it LOL
Your springs are obviously shot judging from the photos - you can re-spring it and it will be much more comfortable.
@crazycalabrese avatar

1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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@crazycalabrese avatar
1961 VBB1T and now a 2009 MP3 400ie
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littlebluedisaster wrote:
Your springs are obviously shot judging from the photos - you can re-spring it and it will be much more comfortable.
No bout adoubt it....that seat is about as sagged out as Roseanne Barr's not-so-fun bags.
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