Uship rocks!
this guys experience and then read the response from the Ushipper starting at post #29 to see how awesome they are.
Be sure to check on-line reviews and the BBB, and other opinion based sites for other stellar and similar experiences. Also be sure to make sure the Ushipper is using a real DOT number and not one they saw on at a truckstop, is a regulated and insured carrier, and also check out the Uship website to see how easy it is to get a hold of Uship customer service and where they're located.
If a whole Uship family shows up, make sure there's enough room for the family's luggage in the back of the pickup, and that they have enough gas money to get home, and where you're shipping the bike.
Is it that good of a deal? Shipping a RARE bike across the country is one thing, but an S50?