I've done a lot of work on it in the past month, including installing a new front fork for a full 10" wheel upgrade with matching brakes front and rear, pulled through a new wiring harness, and upgraded to Scoot_RS's 12volt electronic igntion flywheel and stator (from a 6v points system), as well as installing their tubeless rims.
My question is regarding timing. With the old points ignition the scoot ran fine at 22° BTDC. The new stator, meanwhile, has two indicator lines on it, an A and an IT; I've read at Scooterhelp that on the flywheel shroud these indicate setups for 23° and 19° BTDC, respectively, with 150 and 125ccs to be lined up for the 19.
I've also read a post from mattgyver at ScooterBBS where he indicates the following with respect to timing for a DR177 kit:
Points ignition 21 degrees (or 22 close enough)
Electronic ignition 18 degrees
It just like the timing on P-series ex. P150X=21 PX150E=18 same top end.
Electronic ignition 18 degrees
It just like the timing on P-series ex. P150X=21 PX150E=18 same top end.
The reason I ask is that -- without anything else having changed on the engine or carb -- I'm starting to get some bogging. I think it might be I have too high a main jet (to compensate for two soft seizes this summer), or it could be that the carb is flooding due to a nasty fuel tap leak that I now have after having pulled the tank a couple of times, but it could also be that the timing is so retarded compared to what it was before. I'll fix the other stuff, but am still scratching my head about the timing.
Any thoughts? Should I try and go back to 22° even with the electronic ignition? Mattgyver's post would suggest not to. Likewise, according to Scooterhelp, timing for a P125X with points is 21° while the same engine with electronic ignition on the PX125E is 18°, further suggesting that ignition should be retarded with the EI. Any idea as to why?
I've got a DR180 (177cc) kit on the way to get a bit more ooomph because of the 10" wheels with 8" Super gearing. What should the timing be for that?
Thanks in advance and cheers,