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I'm about to pull the trigger on a couple of new 2010 GTS300's. One for me the other for the wife. But after a some research on MV , I'm a little concerned about the fuel pump. Seems to be more than a few with this problem, threads with "No start" "Stalling" "Died when hot" etc.....

Theory seem to range from bad batch of pumps, ethanol gas, to a possible recall.

Looks like the problem is hit and miss, some owners with many miles no problem and others with very few mile before it hits.

Should I be worried or wait for 2011 models to come out? Has the problem been taken care of?

Closest good dealer is 250 miles and man that would be a pain if I got a bad one.

Just dont want a 6k boat anchor.
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In light of the fact you are buying two scooters, you might ask the dealer to throw in at least one pump, maybe even two, so you could have it replaced locally or even DIY if need be. The idea being, if you replace a pump, you will return the old core to the dealer for credit from Piaggio. That way, you won't be stuck 250 miles away.
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I wouldn't worry about the fuel pumps on them. If you happen to get a faulty one, the dealership will replace it for you under warranty. Although you've read about them here, you aren't reading about the many many more GTS 300 Supers with perfectly good fuel pumps like mine. No one posts when there isn't a problem so you're reading a skewed sample set.

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Benito wrote:
I wouldn't worry about the fuel pumps on them. If you happen to get a faulty one, the dealership will replace it for you under warranty. Although you've read about them here, you aren't reading about the many many more GTS 300 Supers with perfectly good fuel pumps like mine. No one posts when there isn't a problem so you're reading a skewed sample set.
I second that. I love my 2010 GTS 300 Super. Lot's of people have nothing but praise for this scooter. Other than a possible roller issue which I've posted about and which will be looked at next week, I've got nothing but praise for the GTS 300 Super. Read the great reviews, too. NM would be a great place to ride.
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Benito wrote:
I wouldn't worry about the fuel pumps on them. If you happen to get a faulty one, the dealership will replace it for you under warranty. Although you've read about them here, you aren't reading about the many many more GTS 300 Supers with perfectly good fuel pumps like mine. No one posts when there isn't a problem so you're reading a skewed sample set.
Thats a good way of thinking. After all "No one dials 911 when things are going good."
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Charro wrote:
Thats a good way of thinking. After all "No one dials 911 when things are going good."
But you still avoid neighbourhoods with high crime rates..

All kidding aside,
I'd buy the 300. If it has a fuel pump failure, make sure to add it to the thread on this site, as well as login the info on the NHTSA site.
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Last week a MV member was kind enough to let me test drive his 2010 GTS300 Super. Fell in love with it, the handling, power, etc..

Well he called me this morning and guess what? His 300 Super quit on him this last weekend with all the above mentioned symptoms. A 2010 GTS300 Super, 3 months old with 1400 miles on the clock.

Thats why I'm a little concerned. I'm going to call the dealer I was going to buy from and ask him straight up about this problem.

Will keep you posted,
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There has been a rash of problems with failed fuel pumps, primarily on 300's and they've come from different countries. It sounds like Piaggio got a bad batch from their supplier. We have a GTS 250 and a GTV (both 2008 models) and no signs of a fuel pump problem. There's really no way to know if you're going to get a bad one when you buy a new scooter until it fails. It appears that Piaggio is simply letting them fail rather than doing a recall or retrofit on existing stock sitting in the dealers stores. The old adage applies: "You pays your money and you takes your chances". Yes, it will be under warranty if it fails but it's a huge pain in the butt if you get stranded. Good luck with your decision.
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Charro wrote:
Thats why I'm a little concerned. I gonna call the dealer I was going to by from and ask him straight up about this problem.

Will keep you posted,
My guess as to his answer?:

"First time we've heard of that problem. Must be a fluke!"
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Benito wrote:
I wouldn't worry about the fuel pumps on them. If you happen to get a faulty one, the dealership will replace it for you under warranty.
Being replaced under warranty isn't the issue. He is 250 miles away from the Vespa Dealer and a warranty repair would be a royal PIA. My thoughts were to have the dealer throw in a couple of pumps, or even one, with the purchase of two scooters. That way, if there is a failure, the OP can have it fixed locally at a non Vespa shop or even DIY. The defective pump could be returned to the dealer and subsequently sent back to Piaggio, so the dealer gets reimbursed for it.

There could even be an agreement that if neither bike has a pump failure within the warranty period, the new pump(s) could be sent back to the dealer for return to his stock. Once out of warranty, the scooter could be fixed anywhere and the OP might buy a pump on-line. He may even want to buy the one(s) from the dealer, rather than return them.
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fuel pump problems
This is for Benito and his advice about going ahead and buying the two GTS300Supers (and the rest of you can read it too)

How do you know your fuel pump is OK? I thought mine was until last Saturday...it really pooped out on me. Now I'm not sure I can trust it anymore on a trip of any length. I've read about the guys going thru intersections and having theirs go out on them. I feel "lucky" that mine did it after I was in a shop for ten minutes. After calling a dealer this morning (who is, unfortunately, 65 miles away from me), I understand that they cannot replace the fuel pump unless they can replicate the failure. Mines liable to go 20,000 more miles without a problem, or it's liable to go out within 25 miles. I filed a report to the national agency yesterday, and emailed VespaUSA today asking them what they were going to do about this problem. I have 1400 miles on my GTS300Super...how many do you have on yours? It's really too bad because I really like the scooter, and I've told numerous people about how quick it is and how easy to manuever, but I feel I cannot take the scooter out of town anymore because of this concern. Maybe the fuel pumps that Vespa installed on the Canadian scooters are different...for your sake I hope so. Fortunately I also own a GT200, so I can ride, but that's beside the point...I own a GTS300Super, and I want to trust and ride that scooter!

Karl U Las Cruces, NM
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Re: fuel pump problems
karlu wrote:
I filed a report to the national agency yesterday
Thank you for doing that. The only way Piaggo is going to take care of this is if they are forced to perform a recall.
Otherwise, they'll just replace the pump under warranty w/ another of the same defective design and/or defective batch.
@bagel avatar

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For the record, my 2010 GTS 300 has been doing just fine on its original fuel pump, after nearly 15,000 miles without any such issues. However, a friend of mine had the fuel pump give out on her GTS 250 after 600 miles last summer. I believe the bad fuel pumps apply to both models, and likely the GTV 250 as well, from the 2009/2010 model years; I'm not sure if this would apply to any of the 2011 models. From what I understand, it was a batch of pumps that were sourced from a different supplier that experienced a high failure rate. It is hit and miss though, so all you can do is roll the dice and hope you don't get snake eyes with your particular bike. But hey, if you buy two bikes, at least the chances are less likely that they'll both have fuel pump issues, right?

On a related note, be very careful not to run the gas tank empty, as this can cause the fuel pump to overheat and eventually fail. I don't know if this played a role in any of the failures that have been reported here, but doing so could only increase the chances of the fuel pump failing.
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I'm just glad that my fuel pump has already been replaced under warranty on my GTS 250,
I think I'll move up to a motorbike next.

Been looking at the RZ6 way too long now,
Next year I might just make the jump.

I'll miss this place,
Hope I can keep the Vespa too, We'll see then.

Been already up and down the cc table,
With the C70 as my first scooter and the BMW 650 as the highest cc,
It's only natural that I should want to rebound back up again.

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I can understand the huge inconvenience of a fuel pump failure. I'm just saying that it isn't like 50% of the 300's are having fuel pump failures.

I would perhaps negotiate with the dealer that if there is a fuel pump failure that they agree to pick up the scooter from wherever it is that it was when it failed. Get this in writing and ensure that they have in stock a replacement fuel pump. Since you are only to purchase this might be a time to get this in writing to ensure that if you do have a problem that it is dealt with efficiently.

My point simply is that I don't believe there is reason to avoid the 300 because of this problem. Some may disagree which is of course fine.
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Dont get me wrong I'm not down on Vespa, I think the are the coolest scooter on the planet. I will own 2 very soon, just concerned over this pump issue.

I was also concidering the LX150. Correct me if I'm wrong but I didnt see any pump issues with that model.

My wife and I decided to drive the 250 miles on Saturday and speak to the dealer face to face. Check out the 300 and the 150. They have a killer deal on left over 09 150's.


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The pre-2011 models of the 150 have carbs, not fuel injection. The 2011 model has F.I. In the long run, most people appreciate the benefits of fuel injection vs a carb. The 150 has an 11 horsepower engine and the 250/300 models have a 22 hp engine. There is a world of difference in the power between the two. Vespa will eventually sort out this problem with the fuel pumps. You should buy the scooters that you really want and don't over-think the potential fuel pump problem. If it worries you that much and you want the larger scooter, buy a couple of 2007 or 2008 GTS or GTV models. Fuel pump problems in those years have been minimal (as reported on this forum) vs the 2009 & 2010 models.
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Charro wrote:
Last week a MV member was kind enough to let me test drive his 2010 GTS300 Super. Fell in love with it, the handling, power, etc..

Well he called me this morning and guess what? His 300 Super quit on him this last weekend with all the above mentioned symptoms. A 2010 GTS300 Super, 3 months old with 1400 miles on the clock.

Thats why I'm a little concerned. I'm going to call the dealer I was going to buy from and ask him straight up about this problem.

Will keep you posted,
Fuel pump issue is a KNOWN problem at Piaggio. Although I enjoyed the extra performance, I sold my 300 Super due to this problem and it's unreliability. I experienced all of the same problems that others on here have mentioned with the fuel pump...stalling after riding, poor gas mileage, etc. I had three fuel pumps installed on my 300 Super before selling it. I'm glad I'm back to the "old reliable" GTS250ie model!

If you are going to buy 2 of them, I would speak to the dealer and try to get the newer model year, or at least try to get them to throw an extra year's warranty on for you.

Good luck.
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Re: fuel pump problems
karlu wrote:
This is for Benito and his advice about going ahead and buying the two GTS300Supers (and the rest of you can read it too)

How do you know your fuel pump is OK? I thought mine was until last Saturday...it really pooped out on me. Now I'm not sure I can trust it anymore on a trip of any length. I've read about the guys going thru intersections and having theirs go out on them. I feel "lucky" that mine did it after I was in a shop for ten minutes. After calling a dealer this morning (who is, unfortunately, 65 miles away from me), I understand that they cannot replace the fuel pump unless they can replicate the failure. Mines liable to go 20,000 more miles without a problem, or it's liable to go out within 25 miles. I filed a report to the national agency yesterday, and emailed VespaUSA today asking them what they were going to do about this problem. I have 1400 miles on my GTS300Super...how many do you have on yours? It's really too bad because I really like the scooter, and I've told numerous people about how quick it is and how easy to manuever, but I feel I cannot take the scooter out of town anymore because of this concern. Maybe the fuel pumps that Vespa installed on the Canadian scooters are different...for your sake I hope so. Fortunately I also own a GT200, so I can ride, but that's beside the point...I own a GTS300Super, and I want to trust and ride that scooter!

Karl U Las Cruces, NM
My sentiments exactly and one of the main reasons I sold my 300Super. Sorry to hear about yours. You just don't know when it's going to die!
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TheBigMaroon wrote:
I had three fuel pumps installed on my 300 Super before selling it. I'm glad I'm back to the "old reliable" GTS250ie model!
Good luck.
The 2009 250's are known for this problem too.
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My husband and I have a black and white pair of GTS300 Supers and totally different experiences with them.

Knock on wood, I've had no problems so far and I've got about 900 KM including highway driving. My husband has about 400 KM with no highway and has had the scooter die 2 times. The first time was after it sat in the sun on a very hot day and the last time, a short ride, just days after being warranty serviced at the newest local Vespa dealer - a week later, it's still at the shop now. They mentioned the fuel pump issue the first time, but did not replace it and replaced some other small part, but I think they will be swamping the fuel pump this time.

Personally, I think it's a huge pain in the ass to have a brand new scooter or other that can fail at anytime and I'm just grateful that it hasn't happened to me. On a side note, my husband has finally accepted that my White Vespa is better and faster than his Black one!
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My husband and I have a black and white pair of GTS300 Supers and totally different experiences with them.

Knock on wood, I've had no problems so far and I've got about 900 KM including highway driving. My husband has about 400 KM with no highway and has had the scooter die 2 times. The first time was after it sat in the sun on a very hot day and the last time, a short ride, just days after being warranty serviced at the newest local Vespa dealer - a week later, it's still at the shop now. They mentioned the fuel pump issue the first time, but did not replace it and replaced some other small part, but I think they will be swamping the fuel pump this time.

Personally, I think it's a huge pain in the ass to have a brand new scooter or other that can fail at anytime and I'm just grateful that it hasn't happened to me. On a side note, my husband has finally accepted that my White Vespa is better and faster than his Black one!
Please add your comments to this thread:
Time to report failing fuel pumps to NHTSA to get a recall?

So we can keep track of all these failing pumps.
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We have only been seeing failures of 2009 gts 250's.
Every brand has their hiccups..what make this worse is relying on a "dealer" that only stocks oil filters!
Since we stock a lot of parts the only convenience has been the failure of the pump and not the failure of us making a client wait for parts to arrive in stock.
As a consumer myself I deal with companies that provide excellent service over making sacrafices on the lowest price.
⬆️    About 2 months elapsed    ⬇️
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I bought mine 3 weeks ago. Done 900kms/550miles and the Gts would not start. Showed all the symptoms described.
There are about 20units of the gts300 in Malaysia. Mine is the 6th with this problem.
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I will update this thread. We ended up buying two 2010 GTS Super's back in the end of August. On October 16th, my wifes GTS with 460 miles, would not start.

Has been reported to the dealer, Vespa USA, and NHTSA.

My fear came true, two 500 mile round trips to the dealer. Once to take it there and once to pick it up, 1000 miles total. I wonder if Vespa will pay for my gas?

Kinda wish we had bought the carbed 150's.

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Wow, that's really crappy. After reading all your due diligence inquiries before you bought them, I really feel your dismay. I hope somehow the dealer could convince Vespa USA to make it up to you.
⬆️    About 5 months elapsed    ⬇️

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fuel pump vespa 300
The fuel pump issue started for me at 5000km on the 300 but so far only on warm days. It starts again after about half an hour in the shade. The advice from Vespa House in Melbourne was to get it to them asap for replacement and in the meantime carry spare petrol to put into the tank to cool the pump down when it wont start (and save some waiting time). I found out this works (after pushing the scoot a km to a petrol (gas) station. Breaking down in four lanes of traffic was not fun!
No problems at all on my on my GTS 250 (2007) scoot.
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Looks like I've got a bad one too. Had it out last week and a mile from home I had stalling problems. Cajoled the scoot back home and thought it might be the charcoal canister. So I disconected that. Tonight I took it out for a test run and again had stalling issues. So I guess I'll take it in to the dealer. What do you think. Use the vespa usa towing service, risk riding it in(how long does it take to replace pump) or burn up one of my ama motow tow servie?
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shadydevil74 wrote:
Use the vespa usa towing service, risk riding it in(how long does it take to replace pump) or burn up one of my ama motow tow servie?
Use the Vespa USA tow, this is what it is for.
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Fuel pump
My GTS 300 Super 2008 model purchased in the uk has a similar fuel pump failure. The warranty ran out after 2 yrs in Sept of last year and twicw now in the last 4 weeks my scooter has died at the lights on my way to work.. Had the AA out to tow me home twicw now very late for work and I too now have little faith in my scooter.Trying to get Piaggio to help is a nightmare and I think it will cost me a lot of money to repair it.This problem is not confined to just a few GTS 300 models so please beware.After an hour or so the machine starts as if it never had a problem !!! Which is really frustrating when this happens when you just get it off the tow truck...AT HOME
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Just wanted to add that my scooter has done 12000KMS so this issue can arise at anytime - Yes usually when your warranty has just ran out.
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I understand everyone's pain: I've had to replace the fuel pump twice in my 06 GTS. I've been assured by my dealer that Piaggio seems to have resolved the problem with the new generation of pumps, and it's been six months now, so I find that I'm starting to feel better about the bike.

The worst part is the lack of trust that the bike will get you home. A couple of observations...my problems usually occurred when it was warm or the bike had been ridden hard and long. The bike always had to cool way down before it would restart. Problem was, that could really take a while.

One trick I finally snapped to was to top the fuel tank off. Adding fresh fuel to the tank seemed to cool the fuel pump down much quicker than just sitting there feeling disgusted with life.

Once my son came to pick me up and I had him bring a can of gasoline (my fuel guage sender had crapped out as well!), so I thought *maybe* I'd run it dry. I was wrong, it only took a little over a gallon, but it started right up. The next time it failed, I was at a grocery store, but there was a gas station next door. I walked over, bought a 1 gallon gas can, filled it up and proceeded to top off the scooter (only took around half a gallon). It started right up...

The last time, I was fortunate to once again be in walking distance of a gas station. This time I fished a soft drink bottle out of their trash, filled it up gasoline, and added this to the tank. I rode it home that time, too. I may have just been lucky that this worked for me, but I'll take that kind of luck when I can get it.

About that time, the dealer got a new supply of pumps in, so I was able to replace the replacement pump, and had the guage sender replaced as well. As I said, it's been nearly six months now without further problems. (I do still carry an empty plastic bottle in the pet carrier!) I do have to say that I was looking real hard at the Yamaha FJR...
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I have just clocked 20,000 K's on my 2009 build black GTS300, no fuel pump problems and no other issues in that time either, it is a great scooter.

I took it to the dealer for its 20k service recently, belt, rollers, front tyre etc, when I picked up the scooter the service guy advised me that they replaced the fuel pump under warranty as there were a few scooters with problems, very good service I thought, love my 300.

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The fuel pump has been modified in 2010, and as long as you know about the problem you will be able to tell if things go wrong, and rectify under warranty.

my problem was I or the dealers never knew what the problem was until my warranty had expired.

My fuel pump has now been replaced out of my own pocket, but worth every penny, they`re brilliant scooters..

happy riding.
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GTS 300 failure
My GTS is 60 days old. 1200 miles. Fuel pump failed last night. let it sit over night. Started right up today. Rode it 50 miles and then to the nearby dealer and turned it off. Would not restart. Waited 90 minutes and it started right up. The dealer said he had heard of the failures but had not had any until mine. He is ordering the replacement fuel pump right away. Seems like a chronic problem to me based on what I have read here. I love the scooter but this is disappointing. hopefully this is a quick fix, as otherwise I will be an ex-vespa owner.
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Molto Verboso
@joedevola avatar
2009 Vespa LX150ie, 2007 GTS250ie, 1982 Honda CB900F, 1989 BMW K100RS
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Not just the 300s and 250s
We have a 2009 LX150ie and had the fuel pump issue. Replaced under warrantee. When we initially spoke to the dealer about the problem, they had no idea what it was. By the time we organised to take it in, they had heard about the problem and said 'that is the fuel pump, we will replace it'. Dealer was Cyclecraft in Bondi (Sydney Australia).
@gtssuper300 avatar

Vespa Super 300
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Vespa Super 300
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GTS Super 300 Fuel Pump Failure
Took my new 2010 GTS Super 300 in to the dealer today after 400 miles for fuel pump replacement. Twice within the week it would not start after riding. Outside temperature was in the 80's. After about an hour today with a fan on it, it started right up. Fortunately for me I was at the dealer about this very problem. The dealer witnessed the problem, ran diagnostics, no code error. Dealer mechanic could tell the fuel pump was not operating as no sound of it initializing. Dealer ordered new pump. Should be back on the road late next week. Per one on the threads on MV, I registered this issue with the NHSA website. Recommend others experiencing this problem to do the same so there can be a recall.

@viscerok avatar

2010 GTS 300 Super
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@viscerok avatar
2010 GTS 300 Super
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Mine started back up after stranding me for an hour yesterday. Rode it home and that's where it will sit until I figure out what to do with the "out of warranty" scooter. Can't trust her now. I know all motorbikes will have issues, but this is terrible. Piaggio should issue a recall. Since they have not, and they know about the problem, I stay pissed.

300 Super
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300 Super
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Add me down for the same problem. Rode around for about 30 minutes around town, came back out to the scoot started for about 1 second then died. Tried to start again..didn't happen. Waited about an hour still nothing. When I would turn the key, you would notice the lack of the fuel pump priming.
Had to have it towed to the shop.
Total of 480 miles on it.

I just hope it doesn't fire right up in the morning when the shop looks at it and hear the "works fine for us" routine.

Total pain in the ass.
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Viscerok wrote:
Mine started back up after stranding me for an hour yesterday. Rode it home and that's where it will sit until I figure out what to do with the "out of warranty" scooter. Can't trust her now. I know all motorbikes will have issues, but this is terrible. Piaggio should issue a recall. Since they have not, and they know about the problem, I stay pissed.
Piaggio may/should good will the repair for you as it is a known issue.
No harm in asking your dealer.

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