Hi, I'm new here, but not new to scoots. I've always run pretty stock standard, but I'd like to improve the performance of my PX200E. At the outset, let me say that I am a tuning nube / novice. I'm not after a racer, just more power, more torque. I want to be able to beat 90% of the traffic from the lights. All cars are so damned fast now, even your little Korean numbers are screaming up your backside after you've cut through the traffic to get to the head of the lights. Back in 1978, I've no doubt a P200 would have beaten most road cars from the lights, but times have changed.
Perhaps this topic has been discussed before. I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time. I tried to look through old threads but I couldn't really see anything quite like what I was after. Other people seemed to be after performance/racing vespas.
I've spoken to a couple of experienced tuners (all of whom give you completely different advice!) -- and I am aware there are different views. Again, I hope by asking for even more advice, I'm not wasting people's time. It's hard to know what advice to follow.
Let me describe what I'm aiming to build:
If a part has an asterisk after it, I haven't got that part yet, and am open to different recommendations -- this is simply what I've been advised to go for.
These parts were recommended for a DAILY COMMUTER doing LONG MILES:
1. Malossi 210 cylinder kit + piston (yes, I'm going to get my crankcases ported)
2. MMW cylinder head
3. 60mm long crank*
4. SIP T5 Pro exhaust*
5. T5 4th gear
Now here's my question. What's the best carb for my requirements? Some people say Mikuni 28 / Dell'orto 28/; some recommend a HRS Vortex. I don't think I need a reed valve, correct?
I don't want the cheapest option; ditching the autolube doesn't bother me. But what will be the most reliable, most powerful (torquey), YET least GAS GUZZLING carb for my setup? The SI24/24 seems completely gutless to me, so please don't recommend that I stay with that.
I'm expecting people to jump on me and say:
1) Forget this plan, stay stock or
2) Get a GTS or a motobike or something along those lines.
Please, if you wish to say something like this, don't bother. I've heard it before. I'm committed to the PX, not for any rational reasons, but because I love it.
I'm just after some sound advice with a little bit of explanation.
Apologies if anyone is offended and thinks I'm wasting people's time. Trust me, I'm earnest about this project, and I will see it through.