LukeCool wrote:
A 125cc air cooled motorcycle will go fast enough to go on a highway, but a better question is, Should it? The answer is (in my opinion) NO. It was not designed for this type of use. Using anything at it max potential (or close to it) for extended periods of time will drastically shorten its life.

The safe highway size depends on many factors. Water cooled motors are more powerful and most will fair highway conditions better. A 400cc air cooled motorcycle will do about 85mph, flat-out. This bike, being consistently on the freeway at 70mph-plus speeds, it will have a short life. A 250cc high performance water cooled motorcycle will share the same fate. Why try to shove a square peg in a round hole. The best possible scenario, is to use equipment for its intended purpose. Buy equipment that will easily do what you need it to, and it will live longer life and serve you better.

Cops look for two things in this venue:
1) Is the motorcycle beefy and power looking enough to where it looks like it belongs on that highway?
2) Is the motorcycle's motor struggling to maintain highway speeds?
If yours passes both of these test, then you have no worries.
If it doesn't, the cop is doing you, your motorcycle, and the surrounding traffic a favor by getting you off that highway.
So you revived a 4+ year old thread with your first post on MV to answer a question that was not asked? You probably should have started a new thread on your topic. I certainly hope you do better in the future. Welcome to MV. I am going to lock this since goldbondmp got answers and has not posted on MV in the 4+ years since he/she started this thread.