No spare with me, I am now in a Best Western Hotel in Jonestown, Pa. waiting on a special delivery tonight. (God I love my parents, they went by my house, got the belt and tools and are delivering them to me tonight, 2 hours 40 min drive at least.)
Thanks Mom And Dad. 50 years old and my parents are still coming to my rescue now I know why I didn't have kids
Oh, the scooter gods were watching over me too. It broke right before an exit, I was able to shoot over to the exit, and coast 90% up the ramp, pushed the scooter 50 feet and rode it costing down to the parking lot of the hotel I am at.
Late night belt change tonight, was suppose to be at work at 0730 tomorrow, already called the boss to give him a heads up I most likely won't be there at 0730
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