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While in my car back in the middle of May, my wife and my kids were driving on Floirda's turnpike for a nice weekend vacation in Disney World. Around 9 PM on a Friday night, I flashed my headlights when I saw a police officer with no lights on in the median of the turnpike trying to pull people over for speeding. He didn't like this too much as about 2 miles down the road, I saw the blue flashing lights behind my minivan pulling me over---two police cars to pull over a family in a minivan---for the crime of flashing our headlights to expose a police presence. He reads me the statute of why he says it's illegal to flash your headlamps in the state of Florida. Anyway, I never heard of this being illegal before. So, when I got back into Ft Lauderdale after the weekend, I did some research. Florida stature 316.2397 subsection 7 states: Flashing lights are not permitted on a motor vehicle except to change lanes or if you are stopped in an emergency situation, etc....
Now, what this stature is intended to do is prevent people from mounting flashing lights like police lights onto their vehicle to impersonate a police car or other emergency vehicle....meaning the noun flashing lights...not the verb or action of "flashing". I had an attorney who has represented these cases before meet me in St Lucie County at the courthouse last week and hired a court stenographer to get every word of this case. Bottom line is---the judge threw out the case saying exactly what I stated here.....although he didn't like the fact I flashed my lights it wasn't an illegal act and certainly not under the statute the police officer cited. But, it's the closest statute that enables them to pull people over and give tickets out. Now, this citation comes with NO points so most people would pay the $116 dollars and be done...in fact, many people do and these cities raise SOOOO much money from these illegal stops. Now, I flash my lights whenever there is a speed trap with no worries. Currently, the law firm which I used is involved in getting the state to put an end to the police forces in Florida being able to do this. For me it wasn't about the money...but, rather stopping this injustice that the police are doing to many people every day down here. It felt good to win my case and see the face of that idiot police officer who was a cocky MF the night he gave me the ticket but wasn't too cocky in court that Friday when we won our case.
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congrats on the win. Thanks you for posting this for all to know as well.
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Glad you won MUNI. I did the same thing a few years ago while driving in upstate NY and a friend told me i shouldn't do it because it's some sort of sign gang members use Wha? emoticon Don't know if that's true or not but here the cops sit with their lights off but they all have a little blue light on their roof which is on and you can see that a mile away
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Bloody well done! I salute you.
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judy wrote:
Glad you won MUNI. I did the same thing a few years ago while driving in upstate NY and a friend told me i shouldn't do it because it's some sort of sign gang members use Wha? emoticon Don't know if that's true or not but here the cops sit with their lights off but they all have a little blue light on their roof which is on and you can see that a mile away
out here in hawaii kai pretty much all our cops drive their own vehicles and they all have those sneaky low-profile-not-bright-at-all blue lights. can't see them till they flash or go past you.
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Fight the power, yo
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Very well done Munibonds. I'm going to check to see what the law is in Canada here. Eh
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YANO there is one out here that has a newer one Most out here are SUV'S and you can see them better. You guys have way more cops than out by me. Thank God
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Whooo-hoooo! Congrats on the win!

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Good show, Muni. Since flashing headlights on our island is simply a "hello" shared between friends and neighbors, doing so to warn of police ahead is of no use - headlights are constantly being flashed. Our police vehicle drivers wave, rather than flash, so that we don't confuse greetings with warnings.
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Once, while driving in Switzerland, I did the same as the OP and the other guy stopped his car to tell the police I had flashed the lights to warn him of their presence.
Two weeks later I got a 400 CHF charge in my credit card to pay the ticket through the rent-a-car company.

After 6 months there, only driving occasionally, I got tickets for a total amount of 2000 CHF. I must say that till then I had only got three tickets in all my life.
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ThatOneGirl wrote:
Whooo-hoooo! Congrats on the win!
If you are going to say Woohoo next time, just use my picture I took last week while on vacation...I am giving this to you to use
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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yanobobano wrote:
judy wrote:
Glad you won MUNI. I did the same thing a few years ago while driving in upstate NY and a friend told me i shouldn't do it because it's some sort of sign gang members use Wha? emoticon Don't know if that's true or not but here the cops sit with their lights off but they all have a little blue light on their roof which is on and you can see that a mile away
out here in hawaii kai pretty much all our cops drive their own vehicles and they all have those sneaky low-profile-not-bright-at-all blue lights. can't see them till they flash or go past you.
I used to get ticketed coming down the hill from Kalama Valley !! I could never beat them, so I joined them. Now I am am a sneaky MFer on my BMW in California just doing what the man does best. Press hard three copies sir!
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What they do in Va. is write you up for "Obstruction Of Justice" Bleh emoticon
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StooterBoy wrote:
What they do in Va. is write you up for "Obstruction Of Justice"
I hope like hell you didn't roll over and take it in the pooper and pay that.

You could have easily fought it on a number of counts - and the officer wouldn't waste any more time pulling people over for it and thus be able to pay attention to more serious infractions.

it is not illegal in any state to flash your lights to warn other drivers of an upcoming danger.

I guarantee you that if there was a blind hill with a wreck on it that Emergency officials would be more than happy to have people flashing their lights on the other side to warn people of the danger.
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Typewritist wrote:
StooterBoy wrote:
What they do in Va. is write you up for "Obstruction Of Justice"
I hope like hell you didn't roll over and take it in the pooper and pay that.

You could have easily fought it on a number of counts - and the officer wouldn't waste any more time pulling people over for it and thus be able to pay attention to more serious infractions.

it is not illegal in any state to flash your lights to warn other drivers of an upcoming danger.

I guarantee you that if there was a blind hill with a wreck on it that Emergency officials would be more than happy to have people flashing their lights on the other side to warn people of the danger.
I never got a ticket for it, saw a cop writing a guy up and asked.
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As a career prosecutor (thirty years next week) I salute your efforts and offer a hearty congratulations! I first had the idea I could be a trial lawyer at the age of 19 when I was a New York City cab yellow cab driver. I got a ticket at LaGuardia Airport for impeding the flow of traffic. I asked for a trial, took photos, cross examined the cop, and won the case.

If the principal puropse of police with speed guns was to reduce speeding (and not to raise revenue) your act of flashing your lights would be applauded, not summonsed. After all, doesn't flashing your lights cause other drivers to slow down?

The very small town (under 1000 year round residents) where I have a weekend cabin posts its cop on my road mostly on weekends and stops second homeowners, tourists and skiers with out of state plates. I will always flash my lights in warning and have never been stopped for doing it. But I'm ready if it happens.

Again, nice work!
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Kayemtee wrote:
If the principal puropse of police with speed guns was to reduce speeding (and not to raise revenue) your act of flashing your lights would be applauded, not summonsed. After all, doesn't flashing your lights cause other drivers to slow down?
Exactly! And the same point I made when this subject came up a few months ago. If their stated purpose is actually public safety (and they can't admit to anything less) then flashing your lights achieves the same effect -- getting people to slow down. If their goal is revenue generation (which they will never, ever admit) then flashing your lights limits their abilities to do so, but they would have to admit to acting as a tax collector first.

It's a trap. For them.

And if it's just some kind of power trip, then they can just suck it up when the judge tells the officer he's a twat.
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Here, on the Southern California freeways, we flash our lights all the time when the car in front of us is only going 75 mph and we want to go 85 mph. The flash is to tell the "slow" mover to get his booty out of the "fast" lane.

People rarely will get a ticket in such circumstances ... however, they usually get a ticket for something else. Laughing emoticon
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Way to stick it to da man! Good on ya for fighting it.
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Well done Muni! I'm glad you posted a follow-up; I remember your post when this first happened. Being up the road from you, do I dare test the waters?
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volosong wrote:
Here, on the Southern California freeways, we flash our lights all the time when the car in front of us is only going 75 mph and we want to go 85 mph. The flash is to tell the "slow" mover to get his booty out of the "fast" lane.

People rarely will get a ticket in such circumstances ... however, they usually get a ticket for something else. Laughing emoticon
haha exactly, though i usually avoid the fast lane anyways. in any case i think in california it's illegal for cops to hide behind objects or anything of that nature so even with their lights off they're usually pretty easy to spot (in the cities) cuz everything is so illuminated.
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Paperino wrote:
Well done Muni! I'm glad you posted a follow-up; I remember your post when this first happened. Being up the road from you, do I dare test the waters?
I'm flashing every chance I get...my lights that is...LOL
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Congrats on fighting this and winning it too. Good job.

That said, I beg to differ with the consensus here that warning other drivers of speed traps results in exactly what they say they want: more traffic safety. Who here will maintain that being warned by a flasher and getting away free is just as educational as a hefty fine and points for speeding? Which of these two cases, do you believe, will from then on remember that speeding is not really worth it and refrain from doing it?

Besides, we scooterists here are quick to flame cagers who disobey the law when it happens to result in endangering us. So, why all of a sudden is it okay for cagers (or others) to speed and get away free? At least be consistent.

They can set up as many speed traps as they want. If I'm not speeding, they won't hurt me.
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Holier than thou never comes off very well.
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windbreaker wrote:
Besides, we scooterists here are quick to flame cagers who disobey the law when it happens to result in endangering us. So, why all of a sudden is it okay for cagers (or others) to speed and get away free? At least be consistent.
Nevermind the 1,000,000 threads boasting about/inquiring how to obtain speeds which exceed the speed limit. Yes, the "cagers" are all reckless while we are simply "trying to enjoy our machines"
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You're still missing the point. It's not illegal to flash your lights. Attempts to ticket people for doing something that is legal is a gross abuse of authority.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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jess wrote:
You're still missing the point. It's not illegal to flash your lights. Attempts to ticket people for doing something that is legal is a gross abuse of authority.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I aint missin no point... I totally agree, it's ridiculous to get a ticket for that. Major and inappropriate abuse of authority. I was just posting a tangent building off of Windbreaker's post And in the interest of disclosure, I'm not saying I DON'T speed.
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My hat is off to you Muni!!!

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jess wrote:
Holier than thou never comes off very well.
Ain't that the truth. Lip service goes down a lot smoother.

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Munibonds wrote:
ThatOneGirl wrote:
Whooo-hoooo! Congrats on the win!
If you are going to say Woohoo next time, just use my picture I took last week while on vacation...I am giving this to you to use
Nice backside!
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Oops I thought the Ferrari image would show up too....
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bendcyclist wrote:
Oops I thought the Ferrari image would show up too....
I rarely speed too...I agree with Jess...I just can't believe everyone I spoke to I know said just pay the tkt as there were no points on my record involved...it's because of people like me who don't get intimidated by the police issuing tickets for an illegal stop that help fight this crap they are getting away with. Besides, if I slow people down, I'm doing what they say they are trying to do too...they just aren't making any money for it. I realize a lot of cities are strapped for money right now and they try to make it any way they can. The cops KNOW it isn't a real ticket...that's what gets me pissed off. And, about the Ferrari.....took that picture at the top of Pike's Peak in Colorado, Springs (14,110 feet up)...that person drove that beautiful car all the way to the top...
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+1 Salima
I wouldn't disagree with that.
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Salima Draghetta wrote:
Contrary to popular MV belief, mine is not a holier-than-thou position.
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Class adjourned.
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Salima Draghetta wrote:
My position is that driving is a privilege, not a right. We either do it within the legal parameters, or we need to be educated/punished/taken off the road depending on the seriousness of the infraction.

It just doesn't apply to bald tires....
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louisq wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
My position is that driving is a privilege, not a right. We either do it within the legal parameters, or we need to be educated/punished/taken off the road depending on the seriousness of the infraction.

It just doesn't apply to bald tires....
Salima Draghetta wrote:

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