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WARNING-Please be aware of sudden nose bleeds while sitting atop of that "High Horse."
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windbreaker wrote:
I still can't think of a better response to comment on your respective post.
And clearly you were compelled to post that stinging rebuttal of everything I had said in that post.
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jess wrote:
Here you go, Arno: Just for you, Salima, and Len.

New Rules
Should I feel honored? Sorry, I don't. Actually, I feel sorry for your problem with the modal verb should.
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windbreaker wrote:
Should I feel honored? Sorry, I don't. Actually, I feel sorry for your problem with the modal verb should.
Yes. When faced with no other options, the morally superior resort to criticism of grammar.

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Re: Got Ticketed For Flashing My Headlights...
Munibonds wrote:
stopping this injustice that the police are doing to many people every day down here. It felt good to win my case
Good for you on going the extra mile.....we need more people like you.

This story warms the cockles of my Libertarian heart....


more of this.....
more of this.....
less of this....
less of this....
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jess wrote:
windbreaker wrote:
I still can't think of a better response to comment on your respective post.
And clearly you were compelled to post that stinging rebuttal of everything I had said in that post.
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you are saying but if I interpret it correctly, I must ask why, oh why, was your post rated negative?
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jess wrote:
What's really stunning here is that this topic was about someone prevailing over an abuse of authority. Something we should all be in favor of. Instead, a few select individuals mistook the topic for a soapbox upon which they could stand to lecture us and call us hypocrites.

Pathetic self-righteous babble served from on-high.

It gets soooooooo old.

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windbreaker wrote:
jess wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Contrary to popular MV belief, mine is not a holier-than-thou position.
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Salima Draghetta wrote:
Class adjourned.
Kindergarten adjourned.
This to the owner of the Forum that you have asked for well wishes multiple times over the past month. You should of asked, and you received them however this is a very odd way to say thank you.

Prior to class being adjourned possibly the word "respect" could be reviewed.

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jess wrote:
windbreaker wrote:
Should I feel honored? Sorry, I don't. Actually, I feel sorry for your problem with the modal verb should.
Yes. When faced with no other options, the morally superior resort to criticism of grammar.

Maybe I wasn't clear, or you just didn't want to understand? I was not criticizing any grammar. I don't know of any grammar errors in this context. I do know of a sensibility towards the modal verb 'should', and that is what I was referring to.
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windbreaker wrote:
Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you are saying but if I interpret it correctly, I must ask why, oh why, was your post rated negative?
Dude. Glass houses.
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windbreaker wrote:
why, was your post rated negative?
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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louisq wrote:
windbreaker wrote:
why, was your post rated negative?
And I will take the "overs" that it will be positive by daybreak.

When you go to someones house remove your shoes if the sign says so.

Just sayin..............

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Jess is writing like me. I'm like Salieri at the end of Amadeus - absolved.

Seriously though, there's no love lost between he and I but I am man enough to admit this:

On this issue he and I are in complete agreement. I just wish that I had free reign to write how it comes naturally to me and put it in the words he is able to use *but it's his site.

Now I just hope that no one from the BBS reads this.
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starreem wrote:
Being from the south, I think the plural of y'all is "all y'all".
I agree. However, "y'all's" is not a plural. It's a possessive. The possessive form of the plural is "all y'all's."

I can haz moral soopeeriority?
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MSTEVENS ROFL emoticon ROFL emoticon Thanks for the chuckle this morning Being a born and bred yankee when i moved to Richmond Virginia to work it was like landing on another planet with the accents and speech. To this day i'll never forget the first time i said all y'alls in a staff meeting Everybody clapped Laughing emoticon 8)
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In the Bronx, the plural is Yous. One You, two or more Yous. Plain and simple.
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Gotta love the fact that the lack of a distinguishing second person plural pronoun gives English such regional flair.

. . . and some much needed humor to this thread.
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For the very first time ever on any internet forum, I have cast my first, thumbs down vote. It takes a LOT to make me do something so drastic.
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jess wrote:
What's really stunning here is that this topic was about someone prevailing over an abuse of authority. Something we should all be in favor of. Instead, a few select individuals mistook the topic for a soapbox upon which they could stand to lecture us and call us hypocrites.

Pathetic self-righteous babble served from on-high.
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Typewritist wrote:
Now I just hope that no one from the BBS reads this.
and you've got half a mod target. pwned!
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*Edit* nevermind, my concern has been addressed
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Aviator47 wrote:
In the Bronx, the plural is Yous. One You, two or more Yous. Plain and simple.
In the Bronx isn't it da Bronx?
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gogogordy wrote:
Aviator47 wrote:
In the Bronx, the plural is Yous. One You, two or more Yous. Plain and simple.
In the Bronx isn't it da Bronx?
Forgive my lapse. Been away a long time. Yes, and the definite article "da" is mandatory. That I have never forgotten, even if my spelling suffered.
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Jess I think you need to update your tag from petty tyrant. Your posts in this thread have been personally offensive to people who have not abused you. I am not taking issue with the issue here. I actually have no opinion on it.
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Hey...enough with all the negativity...this is supposed to be a FREINDLY site...where people share a common interest of scooters...Vespas...and Piaggios...let's get back to the real reason for my post...anyone who says just pay the ticket for something they didn't do illegally is just an IDIOT...or, just someone who doesn't care enough to be inconvenienced that they will pay for something they didn't do wrong...BUT, in most cases, the injustice is:

"THE PERSON WHO GOT THE TICKET DOESN"T KNOW IT ISN"T ILLEGAL and JUST THINKS BECAUSE IT IS A COP, HE (SHE) KNOWS THE RULES AND IT IS ILLEGAL"...now, that is scary....especially when the cops issuing the tickets KNOW it isn't ILLEGAL...it' purely a REVENUE gererator for the cities and a way to vent their anger at someone who threatens to EXPOSE this injustice.

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Munibonds wrote:
now, that is scary....especially when the cops issuing the tickets KNOW it isn't ILLEGAL...it' purely a REVENUE gererator for the cities and a way to vent their anger at someone who threatens to EXPOSE this injustice.
Was this allegation proven? Not being argumentative. Just wondering if this was stated under oath, put in writing by the police or the like. Or just the perceived situation.

If the allegation has been proven to be true, then the officials involved are probably subject to greater legal proceeding than the citations simply being revoked.

As to folks rolling over and dying when receiving a traffic citation, that's sad.
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GJN wrote:
Your posts in this thread have been personally offensive to people who have not abused you.
Obviously I disagree.
⚠️ Last edited by jess on UTC; edited 2 times
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WOW.... Am I the only one who thinks all of this bickering is funny? What ever happened to freedom of thought and the exchange of ideas without the fear of personal assault or insult?
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JimmyTwoNutz wrote:
What ever happened to freedom of thought and the exchange of ideas without the fear of personal assault or insult?
Lecturing is insulting.
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Aviator47 wrote:
Munibonds wrote:
now, that is scary....especially when the cops issuing the tickets KNOW it isn't ILLEGAL...it' purely a REVENUE gererator for the cities and a way to vent their anger at someone who threatens to EXPOSE this injustice.
Was this allegation proven? Not being argumentative. Just wondering if this was stated under oath, put in writing by the police or the like. Or just the perceived situation.

If the allegation has been proven to be true, then the officials involved are probably subject to greater legal proceeding than the citations simply being revoked.

As to folks rolling over and dying when receiving a traffic citation, that's sad.
Without getting into the motives or intent of the LEO giving the ticket I think it's fair to say that the officer does, or ought to, have knowledge of the law.

He has to know the law well enough to know what article to put on the ticket and it's pretty clear that the law doesn't apply in this case. Also given that this seems to be a rather common ticket AND one that gets tossed out if challenged, there ought to be some level of awareness at the department level as a mater of quality control or performance metrics.

So, are these tickets being given out because the LEO is "just ignorant enough"? Does he just do a google search of the vehicle code and write down the first hit?
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"So fuck that, and fuck y'alls moral superiority." I often used this line in High School debate class.....LOL (again, I think it's funny) Please for give me.... I think I just showed my moral superiority..... Clown emoticon
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oopsclunkthud wrote:
Aviator47 wrote:
Munibonds wrote:
now, that is scary....especially when the cops issuing the tickets KNOW it isn't ILLEGAL...it' purely a REVENUE gererator for the cities and a way to vent their anger at someone who threatens to EXPOSE this injustice.
Was this allegation proven? Not being argumentative. Just wondering if this was stated under oath, put in writing by the police or the like. Or just the perceived situation.

If the allegation has been proven to be true, then the officials involved are probably subject to greater legal proceeding than the citations simply being revoked.

As to folks rolling over and dying when receiving a traffic citation, that's sad.
Without getting into the motives or intent of the LEO giving the ticket I think it's fair to say that the officer does, or ought to, have knowledge of the law.

He has to know the law well enough to know what article to put on the ticket and it's pretty clear that the law doesn't apply in this case. Also given that this seems to be a rather common ticket AND one that gets tossed out if challenged, there ought to be some level of awareness at the department level as a mater of quality control or performance metrics.

So, are these tickets being given out because the LEO is "just ignorant enough"? Does he just do a google search of the vehicle code and write down the first hit?

My bad. There are three allegations. The first (knowledge) could possibly be reached via your logic. There is, however, a difference between "does" and "ought to" know. "Does" is individual misconduct, "ought to" is training or leadership failure. If the patrol officer is ill trained or ill informed or his superiors have caused or allowed an improper understanding of the "flashing lights" terminology, the fault lies higher.

The other two (revenue generation and vengeance) are really what I was primarily asking about, and only in the interest of whether there was actually proof of this in the legal proceedings, which would be quite an eye opener.

No hidden agenda or otherwise.

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genie wrote:
and you've got half a mod target. pwned!
In less than 70 posts, too
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Typewritist wrote:
genie wrote:
and you've got half a mod target. pwned!
In less than 70 posts, too
Banned BBS posters with ghost accounts....
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louisq wrote:
Typewritist wrote:
genie wrote:
and you've got half a mod target. pwned!
In less than 70 posts, too
Banned BBS posters with ghost accounts....
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jess wrote:
JimmyTwoNutz wrote:
What ever happened to freedom of thought and the exchange of ideas without the fear of personal assault or insult?
Lecturing is insulting.
wow. great. that makes me a senior 'insultor' i've been shooting for the title of 'humiliator'. must try harder.
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genie wrote:
jess wrote:
JimmyTwoNutz wrote:
What ever happened to freedom of thought and the exchange of ideas without the fear of personal assault or insult?
Lecturing is insulting.
wow. great. that makes me a senior 'insultor' i've been shooting for the title of 'humiliator'. must try harder.
ROFL emoticon
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jess wrote:
GJN wrote:
Your posts in this thread have been personally offensive to people who have not abused you.
Obviously I disagree.
Clearly not
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To all the people who say some of the posts should not be made because they are not on a vespa topic then I say to them that this is a large forum and anyone who does not like a topic can find another topic or start another topic. These topics are divisive and also interesting. Many discussion forums die because no one can be bothered.

On this forum you can argue law and order on one topic and then go to another and give or get advice on oil or color choice of your new scoot. I wish some people would be more polite in their replies but then I would also like a million dollars a Ferrari and a pony. No harm in asking but I will take the forum for what it is and be glad its here.

Even when Jess is savaging an opponent I find it interesting. I also know not everyone thinks strong opinions and feelings are a bad thing. Like I said there are many other threads that are all flowers and perfume you dont have to read the hard core ones if you dont.
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GJN wrote:
Like I said there are many other threads that are all flowers and perfume you dont have to read the hard core ones if you dont.
The problem is you have to read them to find out that they are 'hard core' (???) in the first place.

Actually almost anything can be posted here - if posted in the right spirit of helpfulness or entertainment. It's defining that 'right spirit' which is the difficult bit, and such has been the same since words were first written millennia ago.
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