Hey Scooter Boys n' Girls...

Bring your rides out to play this Saturday, August 21, 2010.

Meet at 9:30 AM at Hinshaws in Kent for a 10:00 AM Poot off.

A word from the ride Captain:

"Thank you Boom Shanka for the posting of our ride. Yes, we are looking forward to having one and all to join us on our scoot. We have found some fun and obscure roads that will take us to some locations that may have never seen a scooter. Have you seen the movie Deliverance?

As Mr Shanka reported, the ride will finish at our home just east of Auburn. There are a couple of 45 mph roads but they are short and should not be a problem. The rest of the ride is a mostly 35 mph.

Looking forward to seeing you, Saturday morning around 9:30am in the Hinshaw Motorcycle store lower parking lot. The ride will leave around 10.

See you there!"

For more information: http://www.firkinscooterclub.com