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How does one know that a light "was turning yellow"? Traffic lights that I have seen are either green...or yellow...or red..is this a special fading light?

If one is driving slowly...and knows there is a high presence of masturbating zombie LEOs why would one not stop for a light "turning yellow" and instead..weave through traffic, pass on the right and risk ...as one is riding slowly...running a red light..or worse...being hit by opposing masturbating civilians?

Are the known local idiot drivers the masturbating brain dead police officers...those that stop for a traffic signal that is fading from green to yellow...or those that slowly weave through traffic in order to roll through a light that is fading from green to yellow while it fades from yellow to red like a tequila sunrise?

Yes...this same LEO that may have honestly been concerned for a riders safety, gave a warning instead of a ticket.. hit one's scooter while...one can only assume...being distracted by masturbatory activities.compounded by the "brain dead" symptoms of early onset zombieitis. Said LOE then takes the outrageous actions of offering comfort, calling superiors and staying at the scene.

And that Chief...insisting that the proper paper work be filed out and reprimanding a subordinate instead of masturbating or seeking a fresh snack of human brains....one can empathize with having to endure such behavior.

Seriously...very glad the rider wasn't hurt, damage looks repairable. And ...ummm...one may want to check with their attorney about posting pertinent information and opinions related to the incident on a public forum.
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My "inside the Beltway" enemy is:
The City of Falls Church. Cop pulled me over for a malfunctioning 3rd brake light on Roosevelt. Unfortunately, the cop slapped me with additional tickets and impounded my car (said I was driving without a valid Virginia license because I hadn't gone to the DMV to swap out my valid OOS license).

Good luck quickly resolving this. Your new Vespa will rock because it will have this story attached to it.
⬆️    About 1 year elapsed    ⬇️
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Couple o' things...someone on Pg. 2 suggested you replace your scoot with a 300 GTV. Yeeeee-haw! I love mine...looks very much like your 150 only with wider hips (okay, wider hips might NOT be a good thing, but...) and the headlight on the fender (which I'm still not sure I like as much as I would on the 'bars...). Monocoque...gotta be totalled. Don't worry about the cop trying to get you not to fill out the "tell-tale" form...he got his ass handed to him later on, I feel certain. GREAT helmet! Must be stunning with the Portofino green scoot...and yer boots!

Very glad you're okay. Not sure that there are "fading lights", but here in Palm Springs/Coachella Valley, ride long enough, look for cars on the side streets, and you can get a feel for when a light is about to change.

I still maintain a black fly in your Chardonnay isn't ironic...merely another take on Ebony and Ivory...and a tad icky! Thump!

Be well and keep us posted.

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DVH, this thread is a year old. I think the OP has resolved things by now.
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Well, Grind, my bad. Thanks for the head's up...I'll make sure to check dates on any thread before contributing.

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This zombie thread was reanimated by a spammer who has since been banned for his efforts.

The spammer's post (usually they write something generic, like...

"Good ideal, pls try to keep posting. I like this topic very much and I will digged this one. Tks again.")...

was removed by those of us with the power, which should have sent the thread back to the dusty archives where it belongs...except that others also responded in innocence at the same time and hence...another thread from the undead.


PS: The above example is, in fact, the content of the spammers post. No sh*t
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