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I've got an iPhone 3G. It's updated with the 2nd most recent software version (not the one released a couple days ago, but the one before that). It's been extremely sluggish since I got that update, frequently freezes, and refuses to respond.

So from the advice of others, as well as a tech at an Apple Store, I used iTunes to backup the phone, wiped the phone fresh, and then told iTunes to restore the phone from the backup.

It didn't.

It restored the settings for the basic apps that come with the phone to begin with, remembered my email and photos... and that's it. No apps, no music, and obviously no data from my apps.

So... am I doing something wrong? Or is the backup option just completely useless? I'm leaving on a vacation Sunday morning and don't have time to go into the store before then. I tried calling the store again this evening, and waited an hour on hold before I gave up.
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Did you go into all the tabs in iTunes with your phone tethered to your computer and make sure what you wanted was checked, applied and then synched? Double-click on your phone icon in iTunes and then when the Synch window comes up, go through each tab and click what you want on the phone and synch it all at the end. You're okay if you backed everything up-just a matter of getting it back on the phone.
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No, but I'm about to start it now. I suppose if the data is lost, it's already been said and done. I was just wondering if there was some magical step I hadn't done correctly or something. iTunes obviously saves the apps to some extent through my store account, but I don't see anywhere that it has ever told me it's actually backed up the data from the apps.

iTunes used to be a lot more intuitive than it has become.
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Now here comes the part where you want to break something: Using iTunes to "Restore" your phone is not going to revert back the old (3.1.3) OS. Trust me. I've tried. There are a few convoluted ways to get back to 3.1.3, some which involve jail-breaking the phone.

Otherwise the only option is to go ahead and run the latest upgrade. It will speed your phone up from a useless brick to frustratingly annoying device that is slightly better than Zac Morris' phone. There are rumors of another update that will fix the slowness on a 3G phone on the horizon.

Here's the link that discusses how the current (4.1) update provides marginal improvement: http://thenextweb.com/apple/2010/07/27/does-ios4-1-fix-slow-iphone3g-units-yes/

Here's the link to the rumor of another update coming soon, that posted just this morning: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-20014285-260.html

Here's a LifeHacker article describing how to revert back to 3.1: http://lifehacker.com/5572003/how-to-downgrade-your-iphone-3g%5Bs%5D-from-ios-4-to-ios-313

Here's Zac's phone:
External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

I won't get onto the ranting part. Trust me. I've got a dead horse in the back I'm tiring of trashing on.

Hope that helps.
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Go back to 3.1.3. It's easy, no jail breaking involved. I did it with mine:

Scroll down to post #9 and follow the directions and links.


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Your apps are absolutely fine-even if they are not backed up anywhere on your computer. iTunes actually keeps a record of what apps and music you have bought on your iTunes account and will allow you to re-download them for free. I broke my 3G and upgraded to a 3GS right when the new OS came out and experienced much what you are going through. As long as you have the same username and password for your iTunes account, just download to your phone that same app as you did the first time. The windows will appear as if you are once again buying this app, but right before the download begins, a window stating that you have already paid for this app will pop up. it will then tell you that you can download this particular app for free. Try it on a 99 cent app that you know you had and you'll see it. I was a little nervous about it because I have a $80 Magellian GPS app I had bought just a month or so before. But all went well as iTunes recognized everything I had bought before and allowed the free download. Time consuming-yes, but at least I wasn't out of pocket again.

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