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Why are there so many cop haters on this board all of a sudden? Is it because this is your way of venting because you got a ticket for something that you probably did wrong or is it that everyone who rides a scooter should get a free pass for riding like a jackass? I understand that there are a few cops who might make mistakes and issue citations that should not have been issued, but does any one here have a better idea. Do you really want cameras and robots issuing citations with absolutely no leeway? How about when a citation gets issued, you do your due diligence and fight the officer in court and bring evidence to the contrary?

I understand that folks get really pissed when the cops issue citations but realize that when your house is getting robbed and your precious GTS is getting stolen you are not going to call the fire department. When you get stopped and issued a citation most folks see dollars leaving their bank accounts and can only think, "man I hate this fucking pig" but in reality you should be hating the fucking greedy bankers who gave loans to anyone who can fog a mirror and played a shell game with Americas money and drove the economy into the ground and really took money from "your" pocket. Any bankers here? (Crickets sound)

I don't hear anyone giving kudos to those cops who got those murderous Arizona escapees off the streets and back behind bars but I sure hear a lot of folks bitching about a dumb cops this and dumb cops that. Guess what folks the nearest third world country is just a plane ride away and don't forget to have cash in hand when you get stopped by the police "just because he felt like it" and he says I think my brother needs a new Vespa.
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DRIVER it's not that people hate cops (well some people do) but it was what HE DID that's not cool. That's what MUNI was saying. He was just pointing out a flaw in the states system and brought that to their attention. The other incident in DC was totally the cops fault and she did the right thing. cops are human and they do stuff that they shouldn't and yes they do good but there have been some good cop threads on here also. Just seems to be a run on cops not doing the right thing. now i'll Facepalm emoticon Popcorn emoticon
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"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)

We have arrived here, methinks....Peace officers or 'random tax collectors'?


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glasseye wrote:
"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."
('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)

We have arrived here, methinks....Peace officers or 'random tax collectors'?


Clap emoticon bravo! Well put friend.
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A large number of members here come from places where we actually like our Police, and even wish there were more on traffic duties - so it's not all cop-hating.

The writings here merely show that trust takes years to be built, but can be demolished in a moment, and that the actions of one person identifiable as part of a group tarnishes the image of the whole group. It's the way human society works, that's all.
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I find that the police over react to lots of situations.
I know of an issue where the cops couldn't get a person to open the door and brought out the helicopter, the swat team and had about 50 cops surrounding the house.
A buddy of mine was there and knew the guys who lived in the house and tried to tell the cops the guy was just passed out from drinking all night. The cops were saying, well we're are out here with a bull horn and have a helicopter flying over head, they were saying this should wake him up. The guy lived right next to a major road so there was always lots of noise and next to an Army Heliport, so helicopters were over his house all day. Cops wouldn't listen, they ended up going in by knocking down the frickin UNLOCKED front door and the guy was passed out in his bed.
My buddy could have walked in woke him up and he would have come out no problem.
The guy had been shooting off fire works and someone called in gun shots. My buddy told the cops a thousand times the guy doesn't own a gun, again they wouldn't listen.
This has made me see where cops way over react most of the time to very simple incidents. Just watch cops and you see it all the time.
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There are good cops and bad cops. Power hungry cops can be placed in either category. My family has several members in one force and on both ends of the spectrum. I have met douchebags and sweet kind officers. It all depends. I don't judge by the profession but by the person.
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froggieposition wrote:
There are good cops and bad cops. Power hungry cops can be placed in either category. My family has several members in one force and on both ends of the spectrum. I have met douchebags and sweet kind officers. It all depends. I don't judge by the profession but by the person.
Well put, me I fall into the sweet kind catagory. Learned that from an old veteran officer. "Son treat them like family." "But if they try to hurt you put them in their place, then go home to your family." Must work been it at 23 years.


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Redacted, because it will only offend some and won't do any good anyway. I just don't have any pleasant experiences to share.

p.s. I've been to 3 different third world countries and not only felt safer but had MUCH better experience with the police there so I'm not sure what you were talking about.
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I sure hope this thread is just a drunken rant and that ktmdriver was not sober. Classic "I'm drunk and I am not gonna take it anymore". hic!
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FYI, we have several officers on the forum and theyr'e solid, meaningful contributors to the forum (e.g. officer john)
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As much as I would like to comment, I will refrain. There will be no winners here.

I finished my shift at 0700 and had a quiet night. Two stops, one for a headlight out and the other for running a stop sign. Both got a pleasant warning. However, the guy that ran the stop sign also had expired plates, so he got a ticket for $103.33. I could have had the car towed, but instead, told him I was going the other way and the car was grounded. I told him to find a way to have it removed from the roadside...

Now, I am going to bed. Play nice.
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I know this thread won't end nicely but I just want to add this: Think about actually going out and doing a policeman's job for just one week and then come back and see how you feel about things. You have to be a special person to do what they do. Really think about it- get into the car and head out to a call.....

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There are good cops and bad cops.

Good cagers and bad cagers.

Good bosses and bad bosses.


Some people come here to rant and vent.

Some people come here seeking advice.

Some people come here seeking a company of like minds.

Some people come here to give advice.

Some people come here for pure entertainment.

But I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I am all out of bubble gum!

Don't lets the internets get to you.
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Nothing but love and respect for officers of the law. Wouldn't want to do their job, glad they do it!
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NightWing wrote:
As much as I would like to comment, I will refrain. There will be no winners here.

I finished my shift at 0700 and had a quiet night. Two stops, one for a headlight out and the other for running a stop sign. Both got a pleasant warning. However, the guy that ran the stop sign also had expired plates, so he got a ticket for $103.33. I could have had the car towed, but instead, told him I was going the other way and the car was grounded. I told him to find a way to have it removed from the roadside...

Now, I am going to bed. Play nice.
NightWing, Thanks for your service. Your job is not an easy one and is only getting harder. The only thing I can say is that in every field, including my own, You catch hell for the other guy that has managed to piss off the public and you have to take the heat for it. But deep down we all appreciate you...don't ever think differently!

(Belkwinith made me chuckle!)
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I am not a US person but I have a theory. US has many jurisdictions so you have have a wide range of training levels, professionalism, attitudes, and local policies. In some places you have separate city police, county sheriffs, state patrol and so on. There is little uniformity. Most other countries have more unified systems. The US can have excellent police forces operating next to a bunch of cowboys. The idiots will always get the attention.

It remands me of Spiros. He was great boat builder, a good house builder and a fine sportsman. But was he known as Spiros the builder or Spiros the footballer? No 'cause you have sex with just that one donkey and people can be so unkind.

Another issue for me is the traffic cop thing. Many forces have dedicated traffic officers. Some of these guys can be real pedantic. I was a detective and we used to call them jury F..kers. Not all but some saw it as some mission from God and were zealots.

Unfortunately traffic cops contact 20 or 30 people a day on average, Usually to give them a fine. A Detective maybe contacts 3 or 4 on a shift. I am not bagging all traffic cops or saying all detectives are angels by any means. Just that traffic policing is always contentious cause some people think its a mission from God and saving thousands of lives and others think its an annoying waste of resources.

Some forces have tried putting the Traffic cops in a different uniform and even in a completely different force to deflect the bad press.

Oh and another thing. When this guy you know tells you a big story about dumb cops and helicopters and stuff. Take it with a pinch of salt.

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I believe police are put into a tough position. They are forced to make revenue by writing tickets, when they really want to just uphold the law. I wish they could just go after the really bad guys and the really dangerous people, not the average speeder or traffic offender, but the departments don't have enough money if they don't. It's a bad situation, that seems to be getting worse. It's a really tough job, and I am very glad to not do it.

There are several cities in the US and other places in the world, where the police are notorious for being crooked. I can understand people in those places not liking or trusting police. I think it also depends upon your experiences. If you are of certain socio-economic or racial backgrounds, in some places, that can mean extra heat from "the man". I can understand distrust in those situations too; however, I have not personally experienced it. Sometimes we have to think about situations and experiences that are foreign to us, both good and bad, in order to empathize.

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cop haters
I honestly don't hate cops. I only hate them when I get a speeding ticket. I have been a good boy for ten years now. Thank you Mr. police man for setting me straight. I now have more money in my pocket.

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NightWing wrote:
As much as I would like to comment, I will refrain. There will be no winners here.

I finished my shift at 0700 and had a quiet night. Two stops, one for a headlight out and the other for running a stop sign. Both got a pleasant warning. However, the guy that ran the stop sign also had expired plates, so he got a ticket for $103.33. I could have had the car towed, but instead, told him I was going the other way and the car was grounded. I told him to find a way to have it removed from the roadside...

Now, I am going to bed. Play nice.
It's a tough world out there. And cops have a tough role to play. There's few things worse than a bad cop or one driven by ego/power. Cops hold tremendous power over our day-to-day lives. They can arrest you, and regardless of the ultimate outcome, you'll forever have an "arrest record." But fortunately, I think there's a movement -- perhaps too slow of a movement -- but a movement towards hiring better "human beings" to fill these positions. I don't know Nightwing, but his comments seem to reflect that trend. It is NOT an easy job, and I can only hope and pray they fill these slots with good, honest people.
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I've known some very nice, diligent, upstanding police over the years. They make our lives safer, and I thank them.

I've run into, and know a lot of other people who have as well, some very crummy "tax collecting" police as well.

Frankly, there are good eggs and bad eggs in every profession. I see it in my science field as well. You just hear a lot more about it with police, because they "oversee" you, and that's ripe for resentment at the slightest wrong step on their part. If the guy at the bookstore tries forcing books on you, you just say "whatever, dude" and walk away. If your mechanic tries to slime money out of you for a "felanger replacement" you go to another mechanic.
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Recently a good friend of mine was attacked and raped. The cop was wonderful and kind with her. This is how cops should be. I do believe the way a cop reacts to someone is based on the cops nature as well as how the person treats the cop when interacting with the officer. You act like a dick, you get the pissed off dick version of the job. I have always treated an officer with respect. I have family that are law enforcement and I totally understand how shitty the job can get. That angry officer that pulled you over could have just came on scene with a fatal accident and had to break the news to someone. They are human and deal with all kinds of things most jobs don't require people to.
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I don't hate cops. I understand they have an important job to do. I just hate the holier-than-thou attitude that some of them seem to have.

I got pulled over by a policewoman once who was obviously having a seriously bad day at 9am already, and she started screaming at me before she even told me why she'd pulled me over (lane-splitting that she did not approve of... not exactly a serious offence in CA). She had absolutely no cause to treat me like dirt, when all I did was stand there with my mouth hanging open, waiting for her to shut up so I could actually answer the questions she was shooting at me, and trying to figure out why in the hell she called 2 other officers for backup. Her first words were, "Let me guess! You have no motorcycle license, no registration, and you stole this moped!" Ummm... actually, no. If you'll give me half a breath, I'll tell you I'm legit, and even show you the paperwork if I'm allowed to move a muscle. Before I had a chance to say much of anything, she cut me off and informed me that it was a good thing her backup officers were there to calm her down (I didn't see them say a thing to her), because otherwise she would have arrested me.

The Burbank police weren't much help when mine and my roommate's apartment was robbed. We were basically told, in so many fancy words, that our case was simply not a priority because the market value of our stolen belongings was not enough for them to bother moving the case forward. They caught the theives... a week and a half after they pawned off all our stuff. My roommate did her own research, and had them tracked down within about 4 days of the robbery, but of course, again, our case was not high-profile enough for the police to do anything with the information. Didn't feel like our taxes were helping us out much, there.

I did, however, really appreciate the cop who pulled me over in Glendale (just a routine stop). He was a motorcycle cop, and complimented me on the fact that I was only the 3rd scooterist he'd seen in 25 years who had bothered to get a full motorcycle endorsement. He was extremely polite, told me he was just doing his job, and wished me a nice day when we parted.
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The OP is mistaken.
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I criticize cops and their dumb actions all the time, because I have smart, good-police officers in my family.
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soniam wrote:
but the departments don't have enough money if they don't. It's a bad situation, that seems to be getting worse.
But enough money for what? Do some reading up on the militarization of police forces - now even Mayberry has a SWAT team and practice military-style tactics.

There's a wealth of information out there about departments spending millions and millions on weapons, equipment, training, and tactics that they simply do not need. Not every police officer needs to come busting in doors or rappelling from helicopters into windows to take down multi-national criminals - but that's the way the Departments are going.

There is plenty of money for police departments that operate like police departments - it's when they go all gung-ho and militarized and want the latest coolest gadgetry so they can pretend they are on par with the Special Forces that they need more money.....
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Wow, someone actually made it through an Ayn Rand book
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I have no problem with police officers. I frequently take issue with the numbskulls that set the policy which they attempt to enforce.
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I love our cops over here especially out by me. Country cops are cool anyway. I have a cousin whose a cop and a friends son who is one. But as people have said a few bad ones give everyone a bad name. Being a public servant is a thankless job IMHO. You usually hear about the bad stuff not the good. In my day most kids would of rather been taken to the police station than home to their parents but alas those days are gone.
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jess wrote:
The OP is mistaken.
Seriously mistaken!

"In Valor There is Hope"

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Being a Canadian, originally from Toronto ... I have a great deal of respect for the police. In fact, everyone knows that Toronto's cops are tops!

A police officer's job is to uphold the law of the land. It is incumbent upon every officer to understand and interpret the law correctly ... to the best of his or her ability. Law enforcement officers are given the latitude to make personal calls as to whether someone should be given a warning or if they should receive a ticket.

For a police officer to be so officious in applying the law that he actually perverts the intent of the law to suit his own agenda is NOT in the spirit of the "police code of ethics". They are sworn to enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will.

It is not a police officer's job to actually decide what should or shouldn't be legal. Before a traffic cop decides to ticket someone, he should be pretty darn sure that what he is citing someone for is actually illegal ... rather than just annoying from "his" point of view!
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I taught middle school in the 5th worst school in NYC (there are 1,200 schools - being 5th worst was truly an accomplishment).

At that school the worst teacher set the tone for how the parents viewed all of us and in general the parents viewed us as baby sitters.

It was a bit of a thankless job. My point is being on that side of the coin, where no one cares about the good you do and everyone yells and screams over the 1 bad apple, I have nothing but the utmost respect and appreciation for the NYPD (and officers of other jurisdictions as well).

Regardless of the profession we all have bad days, and no one ever thanks us for the good ones do they...
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I have NEVER had any sort of problem with the police. Either on or off the bike. It seems to be a profession that even ONE jerkface makes them all look bad, and i really do sympathize with the huge majority that are total professionals.

....my one critique is that i think the profession needs to be more diverse though. In race, educational background, politics and religion. It probably IS, but i just don't see it. /shrug.
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TheWacoKid wrote:
....my one critique is that i think the profession needs to be more diverse though. In race, educational background, politics and religion. It probably IS, but i just don't see it. /shrug.

THe people who want to be police officers apply for the job. If they meet the criteria and testing then they are hired.

If more white cops in Denver make it than black cops, that's because maybe there are more white people in Denver. In DC the majority of the police force is black.

As far as all that other stuff sounds like you would advocate making people become cops? "Hey, we need another Jew to make quota, hey Finkelstein, you are now drafted to be a cop"

Or, hey, PhD class of 2010 - need a couple more doctorates on the force - any volunteers? No? Ok, Jones, Smith, you aren't Aerospace engineers anymore, you're now police officers.

Or is this that silly old debate that DC should hire a slower, less physically agile, white person who failed the test but just barely - over a faster, more physically agile black guy who got a 100% on the test because DC needs to have more white people on the force?

Maybe there is not the diversity you -want- to see simply because many people don't want to be cops.
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The Mocker wrote:
Wow, someone actually made it through an Ayn Rand book
I loved that book.
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Sir Frets-A-Lot
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Benito wrote:
The Mocker wrote:
Wow, someone actually made it through an Ayn Rand book
I loved that book.
I'm gonna have to agree with The Mocker here
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I've had it recommended to me by several folk whose opinions I greatly value - maybe I should give it a go! For my next plane trip perhaps...
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Typewritist wrote:
TheWacoKid wrote:
....my one critique is that i think the profession needs to be more diverse though. In race, educational background, politics and religion. It probably IS, but i just don't see it. /shrug.

THe people who want to be police officers apply for the job. If they meet the criteria and testing then they are hired.

If more white cops in Denver make it than black cops, that's because maybe there are more white people in Denver. In DC the majority of the police force is black.

As far as all that other stuff sounds like you would advocate making people become cops? "Hey, we need another Jew to make quota, hey Finkelstein, you are now drafted to be a cop"

Or, hey, PhD class of 2010 - need a couple more doctorates on the force - any volunteers? No? Ok, Jones, Smith, you aren't Aerospace engineers anymore, you're now police officers.

Or is this that silly old debate that DC should hire a slower, less physically agile, white person who failed the test but just barely - over a faster, more physically agile black guy who got a 100% on the test because DC needs to have more white people on the force?

Maybe there is not the diversity you -want- to see simply because many people don't want to be cops.
Yeah, in a way that last part nailed it. I really do wish a wider variety of people would want to be cops. In part to help people understand what a difficult job it is. There are innumerable benefits to a diverse group rather than a homogenous group. Thats really all im saying. This probably isnt the thread for a deep discussion on the state of Policing in the U.S.
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