Why are there so many cop haters on this board all of a sudden? Is it because this is your way of venting because you got a ticket for something that you probably did wrong or is it that everyone who rides a scooter should get a free pass for riding like a jackass? I understand that there are a few cops who might make mistakes and issue citations that should not have been issued, but does any one here have a better idea. Do you really want cameras and robots issuing citations with absolutely no leeway? How about when a citation gets issued, you do your due diligence and fight the officer in court and bring evidence to the contrary?
I understand that folks get really pissed when the cops issue citations but realize that when your house is getting robbed and your precious GTS is getting stolen you are not going to call the fire department. When you get stopped and issued a citation most folks see dollars leaving their bank accounts and can only think, "man I hate this fucking pig" but in reality you should be hating the fucking greedy bankers who gave loans to anyone who can fog a mirror and played a shell game with Americas money and drove the economy into the ground and really took money from "your" pocket. Any bankers here? (Crickets sound)
I don't hear anyone giving kudos to those cops who got those murderous Arizona escapees off the streets and back behind bars but I sure hear a lot of folks bitching about a dumb cops this and dumb cops that. Guess what folks the nearest third world country is just a plane ride away and don't forget to have cash in hand when you get stopped by the police "just because he felt like it" and he says I think my brother needs a new Vespa.