VEZPA wrote:
Killo wrote:
VEZPA wrote:
Phil was always great about telling employees to tell the truth.
Why not just come out and say what the real issue is? People are going to end up finding out one way or another.

Why not just come out and say what the real issue is? People are going to end up finding out one way or another.
I'm relatively certain nobody in the world wants this fixed more than the folks at Genuine, who have multiple times the dollars, reputation, and market perception at stake than any dealer, or customer anxiously (or not) awaiting their dream scooters.
And regardless of what some may think of Genuine scooters, it is still a free country and we are all allowed to follow our bliss scooter-wise, if that means a 4t Stella, well who are we to criticize?
At the end of the day, when (maybe even if?) the Stella 4t make the market penetration they were headed for before this debacle, people will either be happy with them or not and no amount of this second guessing the motives or reasons for this delay will change those customers' experiences with their new Stellas either way.