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I may not own a Vespa quite yet, but I feel one calling me.

I have now seen the most beautiful scooter. Eventho I just bought my first scoot (a Buddy Blackjack), I now lust after a new color combination on the new 2011 LX150. It's a teeny little color choice on the website, but I just saw one up close and personal. It just oozes warmth, and reminds me of a rich cafe latte.

Must start saving now......
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Oh dear.
If my girlfriend sees that, it could cost me quite a lot of money!!!
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Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Oh dear.
If my girlfriend sees that, it could cost me quite a lot of money!!!
Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon
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A friend of mine is considering getting one of these and just showed it to me online. I can't wait to see what in person!
SDG... I'm feeling a visit coming on!
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that color is very nice.
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I saw one in person for the first time at San Jose Vespa last week. It's not as bad as I thought it might be when I first heard of the color, but it didn't impress as much as it should've, either. Perhaps in the sunlight it'll really pop, but under the fluorescent showroom lights - not so much.

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Saw one today... very nice indeed!
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That's a beauty! Is Vespa offering more two-tone choices?
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Nice ride. Making me jealous.
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Prospero95 wrote:
That's a beauty! Is Vespa offering more two-tone choices?
For the S, it looks like there's a baby blue/white, and a red/white.
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I've been to local Vespa dealer here on Long Island....no "Expresso" color in store ... Only 2009 models Wanted to see this one in person. I thought it would be deeper in color....but still it's beautiful in your picture
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PROSPORO a guy just moved in down the street that was stationed in Italy and he has a 2 tone green 125 that he bought over there. I think maybe we have different colors over here than they have over there. Just guessing but he seemed to think it was stock not an after market paint job.
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i had a two tone green et4

most was light green with dark green glovebox front mudguard and rear side panels

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Do you want sugar and milk with that?
@victor1 avatar

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bronze/expresso color combo
My new LX150ie is the new bronze/expresso. It was a special order and
actually only took two weeks. The photos do not do it justice and actually
look kind of flat. In real life, the color is very rich and looks great. I couldn't
be happier with my choice. And, the paint job is flawless.
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Re: bronze/expresso color combo
victor1 wrote:
My new LX150ie is the new bronze/expresso. It was a special order and
actually only took two weeks. The photos do not do it justice and actually
look kind of flat. In real life, the color is very rich and looks great. I couldn't
be happier with my choice. And, the paint job is flawless.
and where are the pics of your scoot?
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Re: bronze/expresso color combo
old as dirt wrote:
victor1 wrote:
My new LX150ie is the new bronze/expresso. It was a special order and
actually only took two weeks. The photos do not do it justice and actually
look kind of flat. In real life, the color is very rich and looks great. I couldn't
be happier with my choice. And, the paint job is flawless.
and where are the pics of your scoot?
OOOOH yes.....pictures!
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ANDY that's his scooter. Was it stock? We don't get the 125cc ones here so i'm thinking they have different colors for them than our 150's.
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eehhhhhhhhhh. May look like coffee but it's not my cup of tea.
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Just walk away and try to put it out of your mind.
You can still walk away at this point.
Scooters are a completely incurable addition.
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Saw one in the flesh last week, lovely (but then I'm biased towards two tone Vespas!).
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Hey, sosha!

Contrary to what I believed at the time and what I told my wife (who was sick of hearing about my scooter yearnings), buying your first scooter does little to abate scooter lust. It grows and grows and sometimes leads to all sorts of other interests. It becomes a fixation, gets under your skin, and leads to countless hours spent on forums, out riding with friends, and dreaming about your next scooter.

A ridiculously high percentage of first-time scooter buyers buy a second within 18 months or so. I'd love to see some market research into this. It's often one for the significant other or a larger model to go further and faster.

Congrats on the BlackJack, which is a mighty fine scooter in its own right. Though we're happy to have you here, you'd also be very welcome over at ModernBuddy.com.
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Thanks fir the warm welcome, and the validation that my lust is not unusual. I've discovered Modern Buddy, and am already thinking abort some improvements to the little beast That Blackjack screamed my name at the shop.... something akin to "YO ADRIAN" from Rocky. But the Vespa is the sexy side......."you know you want me...we would be so good together"

Sigh. [/quote]
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Scott&Nelli wrote:
...... lovely (but then I'm biased towards two tone Vespas!).
You'd love mine...
The rattle can cap was a better match than the actual paint color was.
or Crying or Very sad emoticon

Thank you ScooterWorks for the bra to hide most of the imperfections.
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RobynS wrote:
A friend of mine is considering getting one of these and just showed it to me online. I can't wait to see what in person!
SDG... I'm feeling a visit coming on!
I feel the same thing coming on... That LX is a big draw when it's out on the sidewalk... If that was available in a 250-300cc flavor I'd be in heaven.
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JustJoe wrote:
RobynS wrote:
A friend of mine is considering getting one of these and just showed it to me online. I can't wait to see what in person!
SDG... I'm feeling a visit coming on!
I feel the same thing coming on... That LX is a big draw when it's out on the sidewalk... If that was available in a 250-300cc flavor I'd be in heaven.
Now that's a great thought: a 2-tone 300. Clap emoticon Clap emoticon Clap emoticon Clap emoticon
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I saw one of those at the HD/BMW/Vespa Louisville dealership a couple weeks ago. Very nice but I am lusting after the blue with tan seat BV250 they still have that is a 2009.

Must win lottery then I can have any scooter I want.
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It is very purdy! Just do it!!

'06 Piaggio BV250
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It reminds me of Halle Barry. So smooth. So beautiful. So damned sexy!

Hey... it's the Halle Barry model!

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Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Oh dear.
If my girlfriend sees that, it could cost me quite a lot of money!!!
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I have also seen one in person, and the pictures do not do it justice.
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Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Oh dear.
If my girlfriend sees that, it could cost me quite a lot of money!!!
All if Favor of hooking Dr. Z up, say Aye!
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I just saw one of these two-tone brown LX's on the showroom floor, and all I can say is "Wow!"

The color combo is beautiful, and this is saying a lot because I am very anti two-tone Vespa.

If I had one knock on it, the vinyl on the seat looks a little cheapish. Nothing a custom leather seat cover can't fix.
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Someone will come out to find that cream was just poured all over the seat..... Crying or Very sad emoticon
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I'll have to hold judgement until I see one in person. That's a tough color combo. It could be great or it could be 1970 Lincoln Town Car.
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warm indeed
You are right, it is a beautiful color combo!
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Erm...... are you all blind ?

It looks like a sweet, and not a very nice one at that.

Brown ? Ford Fiesta's are brown not Vespa's.

Yuk nasty pah !

Bill X

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