Yesterday evening I noticed that it was taking more gas than usual to make the clutch engage; you could only see the rear wheel starting to spin till it was something around 1 / 4 of the gas given.
I decided to open the transmission cover and see what was going on inside there. Once the cover was out I took out apart the bell and the clutch and cleaned them. Then, to test if there was any improvement I put back the clutch (but not the bell) and adjusted the cover holding it just with the oil cap (you can call me silly, no clutch bolt, no screws...).
Well, I started the engine, gave some gas and then a strong blast from inside made the cover jump off. Result: transmission cover broken, oil cap broken, clutch broken, gear broken and other parts that the guy in the work shop didn't know how to translate into English but that also need to be replaced... Very sad.
I don't think my wife is going to let me try to repair anything else in the Vespa for a very long time, and maybe she is right.
⚠️ Last edited by Daniel F Boada on UTC; edited 1 time