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I ordered the dog legs from scooterworks and it didnt come with any type of instruction. anyone have a site with instructions or can someone explain it to me in newbie terms so I can do this!
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Re: Installing dog leg levers on PX80?
Makenzi wrote:
I ordered the dog legs from scooterworks and it didnt come with any type of instruction. anyone have a site with instructions or can someone explain it to me in newbie terms so I can do this!
are they the adjustable or non-adjustable type?
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UMM I am not sure.. but these are what I ordered?


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Have you ever changed your front brake cable or your clutch cable?

If not, you will need this:

clutch cable...you don't need to remove it, just loosen it:


and for the front brake...go about the 11th picture down. You don't need to remove the cable, just loosen it at the brake line behind the front hub:

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Makenzi wrote:
UMM I am not sure.. but these are what I ordered?

ahh, good news! Those should be easy to swap out and you if your cables are in good shape you can avoid having to replace them.

You can usually get away with loosening the pinch bolt at the end of each cable, just enough to let the cable slip out an inch or two. Then remove the nut and pivot screw that holds the old lever in place and pull the lever free, be careful to catch the washers, you'll need them again. Rotate the lever a bit so you can slip the end of the cable through then do the reverse to hook your new label on. Then slip it back into place and slide the washers back in end the screw and nut. Then pul the cables tight again and readjust.
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got the bolt out and all but cant figure out how to grab the cable or where the cable connects.
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Makenzi wrote:
got the bolt out and all but cant figure out how to grab the cable or where the cable connects.
guessing that's because you don't have enough slack.....did you loosen the pinch both?
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NO I am afraid to.. will it snap back into the handle bars? sorry I am very new at this whole thing.. so I really know NOTHING. I appreciate the help!
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There alright but I would have to go with the ones advertised here on Modern Vespa. Oopsclunkthud.com He makes great stuff!
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Makenzi wrote:
NO I am afraid to.. will it snap back into the handle bars? sorry I am very new at this whole thing.. so I really know NOTHING. I appreciate the help!
No, ok, this is easy (well clutch side is, never had to do the brake side) Follow the link VLBJS1 posted. Just find the pinch bolt and loosen it up a bit, just enought that it moves with a little effort. Then the current clutch lever will be loose. The cable runs in through a notch on the lever end. Just slip it out through the notch. Do the reverse on the doglegs and don't forget to put the washers back in. On some bikes it matters which washer is on top and which is on bottom, on my px it doesn't but if the washers have different size holes the smaller hole one goes on bottom. Use the tool on the fourth hand tool to tighten it back at the pinch bolt again, tighten the pinch bolt...adjust as needed.
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gatekeep wrote:
There alright but I would have to go with the ones advertised here on Modern Vespa. Oopsclunkthud.com He makes great stuff!
wish he made them for a px with a disc. Cant seem to find any reasonably priced ones that will work.....
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VLBJS1 wrote:
Have you ever changed your front brake cable or your clutch cable?

If not, you will need this:

clutch cable...you don't need to remove it, just loosen it:


and for the front brake...go about the 11th picture down. You don't need to remove the cable, just loosen it at the brake line behind the front hub:

WOW! I am in way over my head.. I have no one to help me.. I think I WILL have to just take it somewhere.. no clue where.. since I cant find anyone in town that works on vespa's
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It's very simple, Makenzie, trust me. Give it a shot first - you'll feel great about yourself when the job is done!

Take it slow. Vespamaintenance walks you through everything step by step and people are always on this forum who can help.

To get slack on the cables (so that you can get them hooked on your new levers up at the handlebars), you need to loosen them down at the mechanism they are operating on. That's the point of the links VLB sent you. You need to undo the pinch bolt on the clutch cable under the engine (it's just sitting down there, exposed. Very easy to get at), and you need to undo the pinch on the cable down at the front brake. The images he sent you point out where I'm talking about.

All you need is a socket wrench and some pliers to do this all by yourself. One thing which will make the job easier, though, is called the 4th hand tool. You can buy it from Motorsport, Scooterworks, lots of places. It will act like another person putting tension on the cables while your hands are free to tighten pinch bolts and the like. Very useful, and highly recommended for someone with a shifty... you'll need to adjust those cables in the future as parts wear anyway.

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ok unscrewed the peice that has the speedometer in it. I got all the screws out and it very loose but something near the speedometer was holding it. I couldnt get the peice up enough to see what it was. I am afraid to pull or tug on it because I dont know what is under there and or if I will break something. So I couldnt get it off enough to see where the cables go into the actual lever.
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Makenzi wrote:
ok unscrewed the peice that has the speedometer in it. I got all the screws out and it very loose but something near the speedometer was holding it. I couldnt get the peice up enough to see what it was. I am afraid to pull or tug on it because I dont know what is under there and or if I will break something. So I couldnt get it off enough to see where the cables go into the actual lever.
The headset (the piece with the speedo it it) is being held down by the speedometer. The speedometer is being held down by its cable, which runs down through the front fork, out of the fork under the fender, and into the hub itself. If you want to take the headset off, you need to disconnect the speedometer cable down at the hub (held on by only one bolt), or push the cable gently into the fork to get enough slack to disconnect it at the bottom of the speedo.

However, unless I misunderstand what you are trying to do, you don't need to do any of that.

All you need to do, to change the levers, is this:
1) loosen the clutch cable, and loosen the brake cable (this is not done at the handlebars at all. It is down down at the mechanisms they operate on. See my above post and the images on vespamaintenance VLB gave you for reference ).
2) depress/squeeze the current levers - this will pull the now loose cables up.
3) push the cylindrical metal nub at the top of the cable out through the hole it is sitting in on the lever. Don't pull the cable up and out of the scooter... just take advantage of the slack to push it out of where it "catches" on the lever.
4) take out the screw holding the lever on.
5) pull the lever off and put it in your parts drawer.
6) screw on the new lever.
7) push the cylindrical metal nub at the top of the cable back into its seat on the new lever.
8 ) re-adjust and tighten the brake and clutch cables down where they attach to those respective mechanisms.
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I think perhaps you were trying to go through all the steps on the link VLB posted to vespamaintenance (they start with trying to open the headset). Don't sweat all of that. That whole page is meant as a one-stop guide for tearing most of the whole front end off.

To help with your confusion and simplify things, I've copied the images you need to concern yourself with. I put a red X on the point I refer to in the captions
X marks where you undo the tension on the clutch cable (my step #1)
X marks where you undo the tension on the clutch cable (my step #1)
X marks where you undo the tension on the front brake cable (my step #1)
X marks where you undo the tension on the front brake cable (my step #1)
X marks the hole/catch on the existing lever that you need to push the cylindrical nubbin/stop at the top of the cable out of. Push the nubbin out of this hole and you can release the cable from the lever without pulling the cable out of the bike (step 3)
X marks the hole/catch on the existing lever that you need to push the cylindrical nubbin/stop at the top of the cable out of. Push the nubbin out of this hole and you can release the cable from the lever without pulling the cable out of the bike (step 3)
X marks the hole/catch on the levers you bought. Once you mount the levers on the bike you need to snag the cable on the new levers and seat the nubbin in these holes. All done just by hand or gently with some pliers (my step #7)
X marks the hole/catch on the levers you bought. Once you mount the levers on the bike you need to snag the cable on the new levers and seat the nubbin in these holes. All done just by hand or gently with some pliers (my step #7)
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Thank you all for the help! its dark here now so I will have to try this tomorrow. Will post and let you know what happens
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Makenzi, it's easier than ya think. Hang in there. Xantufrog nailed it with some nice concise directions. Follow those stepwise and you're golden.

(Karma worthy posts Xantufrog... nice.)
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XFrog got it....follow what he says and it will be super easy. You can do this. No reason to waste your cash taking it somewhere

Everyone take a second and toss the guy a thumbs up.
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follow xantufrog's simple breakdown - you can also mark your cables with a permanent marker near the tension points before loosening them so that you have the same tension once you install the new levers. note - the new levers might have slightly different leverage/pull, but at least you will be in the neighborhood if you mark your cables.
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Thanks!!!! Taking a crack at it again tomorrow
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xantufrog, well done on ya mate, very good example. The only thing I would ad is that when you take out the old levers, watch for the washers on the top and bottom of the levers and catch those so that you can replace them on the new levers.
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shawn45 wrote:
xantufrog, well done on ya mate, very good example. The only thing I would ad is that when you take out the old levers, watch for the washers on the top and bottom of the levers and catch those so that you can replace them on the new levers.
+1 This!!!!!
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I have a friend who is going to help me, I am super excited because i know this friend will help me LEARN this.. I appreciate all the help! and I am going to print off the instructions to use.

Thank you all very very much! will let you know how it goes!
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Ok anyone know wha the name of the cable nipple part is to order and where to order it? Mine broke off inside itself ugh
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Makenzi wrote:
Ok anyone know wha the name of the cable nipple part is to order and where to order it? Mine broke off inside itself ugh
Do you mean the nipple that you hook through the end of the lever? If that's gone it's time for a new cable.
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I think she means the pinch-bolt nipple linking the clutch cable with the clutch actuator arm. Personally, I know no other way to refer to it than what I just wrote.
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xantufrog wrote:
I think she means the pinch-bolt nipple linking the clutch cable with the clutch actuator arm. Personally, I know no other way to refer to it than what I just wrote.
yeah the little bolt thing the clutch cable goes thru. I found it on scooterwest.com ugh i laid my scoot down tonight. the clutch was not adjusted correctly and the clutch was being held in and the shifter was moved slightly and it went into gear and drove away from us.
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Makenzi wrote:
xantufrog wrote:
I think she means the pinch-bolt nipple linking the clutch cable with the clutch actuator arm. Personally, I know no other way to refer to it than what I just wrote.
yeah the little bolt thing the clutch cable goes thru. I found it on scooterwest.com ugh i laid my scoot down tonight. the clutch was not adjusted correctly and the clutch was being held in and the shifter was moved slightly and it went into gear and drove away from us.
Well fuck...that sucks! Hurt anything other than your pride?
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Makenzi wrote:
Ok anyone know wha the name of the cable nipple part is to order and where to order it? Mine broke off inside itself ugh
What do you mean yours broke off inside? The nipple consist of three parts, The threaded screw, a small piece of metal , and the main body that the top screws into.
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nigelthefish wrote:
Makenzi wrote:
xantufrog wrote:
I think she means the pinch-bolt nipple linking the clutch cable with the clutch actuator arm. Personally, I know no other way to refer to it than what I just wrote.
yeah the little bolt thing the clutch cable goes thru. I found it on scooterwest.com ugh i laid my scoot down tonight. the clutch was not adjusted correctly and the clutch was being held in and the shifter was moved slightly and it went into gear and drove away from us.
Well fuck...that sucks! Hurt anything other than your pride?
Yep put a nice dent and huge scrape into my left side cowl also broke the dog leg I just put on.

Do you know if this levers will fit my scoot? I like them better than the steel ones
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shawn45 wrote:
Makenzi wrote:
Ok anyone know wha the name of the cable nipple part is to order and where to order it? Mine broke off inside itself ugh
What do you mean yours broke off inside? The nipple consist of three parts, The threaded screw, a small piece of metal , and the main body that the top screws into.
Bet the screw broke in the body....I've done that. Causes a lot of swearing. In my case I had cross threaded it I think.

Hey Makenzi, those should work....wish they worked on mine, as some of our Brit members would say "Those are the dog's dangly bits" (some how that's a good thing)
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nigelthefish wrote:
Bet the screw broke in the body....I've done that. Causes a lot of swearing. In my case I had cross threaded it I think.

Hey Makenzi, those should work....wish they worked on mine, as some of our Brit members would say "Those are the dog's dangly bits" (some how that's a good thing)
yeah I am sure that is what happened. Okay then I am gonna order those, i know someone mentioned they had bought white ones? Anyone know where to get those? or are they not available anymore?
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Black levers on a pink bike would look good.
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nigelthefish wrote:
Black levers on a pink bike would look good.
ha! thanks for the reassurance nigel!
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