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@boulty avatar
2014 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone, 2014 Vespa 150 Primavera (sold) 2003 Vespa GT200 (sold)
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I came out of a lecture today and one of my students had parked his scoot next to my GT.
For a moment I kind of felt like taking his instead of mine.
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@johnny_opa avatar
Formerly a 2010 GTS 300 Super
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Living in a place where many prefer two wheels as a primary mode of transportation, I too see many "well-loved" scoots, and I often have the same thought.

Vespa LX 50 - Oriana
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Vespa LX 50 - Oriana
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If it was your student...why not say to him

"hey I'll give you an A for your scoot" (then you get both!)

Wha? emoticon what is that not allowed anymore? Clown emoticon
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