All of us back at home want to live vicariously through your upcoming adventure. We have a ready audience hungry for news of your daily exploits as you make your way across the continent. So before CB10 starts, I'm going to set up a thread here in General Discussion to track your daily progress, allowing us to follow along.
I would be extremely grateful to those of you bringing gadgets along if you could post updates to the thread. We would be thrilled to have text updates on your personal experiences, photos, and even SPOT messenger updates mailed to the thread. I will turn on location tracking for the progress thread so that we can see your position on a map (via SPOT messenger or geotag information from your pictures). All you have to do is email your text and photos to the thread.
Smartphones with cameras are especially effective here. Even if it's just you guys having a beer in the parking lot after a long day, we want to see it. Pictures of roadside repairs? Even better. This is far more interesting to us spectating than you can imagine.
And if my pleadings aren't enough, I will happily bestow MV swag to those who send updates.