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'74 Rally 200 '62 Allstate
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'74 Rally 200 '62 Allstate
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I bought my first scooter this spring, a wonderful European '74 Rally 200 and I absolutely love it. I have changed the cables and done some minor routine maitenance on it and would love to learn to do more. I am thinking about buying a project scooter and was wondering what a good candidate would be to start with? Something with parts readily available that won't destroy my bank account and that's fairly easy to work on. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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2010 GTS 300 and some motorcycles
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2010 GTS 300 and some motorcycles
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Parts for a PX150 are probably the most common of anything. There are also a TON of aftermarket mods for that engine if you choose to spice it up a little too.
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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1980 P200E - "Old Rusty", 1976 ET3 Primavera
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I know I already responded to you about this on the BBS, but my vote is a P200 - it's easy to work on, parts are cheap, and almost everything you learn about it will apply directly to your Rally... VERY similar scooters despite the different appearances.
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'74 Rally 200 '62 Allstate
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'74 Rally 200 '62 Allstate
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I just got off the phone with a friend who restores vintage scoots and I am going to look at a '80 P200 on Monday that is complete but in pieces. It needs some body work and has a little surface rust but nothing major.

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