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I'm turning 16 soon and I'd love a Vespa. Got my eye on the LX 50, but I've heard they are extremely slow, as I'll only be 16 a 50cc is all I can have Is there any possible way I would be able to make it go faster? Please help!
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Re: Help..
LaurenVD wrote:
I'm turning 16 soon and I'd love a Vespa. Got my eye on the LX 50, but I've heard they are extremely slow, as I'll only be 16 a 50cc is all I can have Is there any possible way I would be able to make it go faster? Please help!
Hi Lauren,

I think the answer is definately yes, read this - Kitting an LX50
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Legal Stuff
Though it's very hard to spot a 50cc bike that's been de-restricted, remember that LEGALLY your only supposed to ride a 50cc bike till you're 17 years old.
So if you do this, be careful, only 2 things will give you away to the rozzers.

1)being ratted out by one of your slack mouthed friends


2)being spotted going at 50mph on a bike that's only supposed to do 30 on a good day with a tailwind.

That said, if you're going to do it, enjoy in it good health!
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Some thing to consider, do you really want to spend the money to hop up a scooter that you're only going to keep a couple years? You may be better off buying a cheaper two-stroke (or Vespa et2?) for now and saving for a nicer LX125 or GTS125 for your next bike (I assume you're in the UK). Good luck!

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Lauren im 21 and just got my lx 125 and im really loving it! I think you should wait a year till you can get a 125 tbh... Or get a cheap second hand one for a year. Deffo dont buy a new lx50 cos ull regret it when you turn 17 imo
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i don't know the laws over there, or how hard it would be to regester this after the fact but, the lx or s usees the same frame and parts for the 50 125 and 150cc scooters, so my thoughts is that first if you can get a 125 or 150 do it but if not, you could always buy a used motor off ebay and install it on the scooter later, but i don't know if you will run into problems with trying to make it road legal, i don't think it would bring problems with the lx's immoblizer any one know. well good luck
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glass toy
so you want a fast 50 ........ then when your 17 youll get shut and get a 125 yes???

save your pocket money .... dont kit a 50 its not really worth it just derestrict it and it should pull 45+.......... then again a italjet dragster with a 70 malossi in is bloody fast off the mark
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Just a word of warning. If you de-restrict it then be VERY careful. Should you be unlucky enough to get caught some how then you may find future insurance very difficult to acquire.

Some UK police forces are even conducting spot checks at colleges and sixth forms.

Whilst it wont improve the top speed, you can improve the acceleration by fitting lighter weight rollers in the variator.

My son has just turned 17 and is loving his ET4 125 but if he'd gone for a scoot at 16 then he would still be stuck with a gutless 50cc.

In my view 50cc restricted bikes are quite dangerous as they often struggle to keep up with the flow of traffic and tend to force you to ride too close to the gutter and hence increase the risk of being hit by other vehicles.

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Maybe there is good reason for this law to exist. Anyone who is new to PTW riding will admit there is a tremendous learning curve at the beginning. I think the curve would be greater for someone your age who might have no experience on public roadways at all.

I guarantee that you will have loads of fun on a restricted 50cc, especially if you can find a 2-stroke. Then, sell it to someone a year younger than you when you turn 17 and use that cash to buy something bigger.
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crackhead wrote:
Maybe there is good reason for this law to exist. Anyone who is new to PTW riding will admit there is a tremendous learning curve at the beginning. I think the curve would be greater for someone your age who might have no experience on public roadways at all.

I guarantee that you will have loads of fun on a restricted 50cc, especially if you can find a 2-stroke. Then, sell it to someone a year younger than you when you turn 17 and use that cash to buy something bigger.
Get a used stock 50, save money, learn, get a bigger scoot when you outgrow it.
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