I'm on hols in Europe at the moment. We visited the Motorrad Museum in Berlin:
What a fantastic museum! It specialises in East German bikes, and I found many I hadn't heard of, let alone seen. Yeah, OK, I know I live on the other side of the world.
But, the piece de resistance has to be the camper version of the IWL scooter (it's got 3 wheels):
Things to note:
It's a 250
The HUGE trailer has a leather suitcase strapped to the top
There's a dicky seat in front of the rider for the kid
You could hide an elephant behind the screen
The trailer hitch is an industrial version
It's in pristine condition
It's got a spare wheel too
There were lots of other scooters, trail bikes, road bikes, and mopeds, and there were quite a few sidecars too. I guess before the wall came down it was really hard to get a car, so bikes were it!
Next time you're in Berlin - don't miss it
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