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oopsclunkthud wrote:
I think there's an opportunity here to normalize the ratios. If a Heinkel changed hands then Bagel could move from 3:6 to 3:5 and Jess could move from 5:1 to 5:2.
It's funny that you should mention that... the bills have been mounting from my Cannonball preparations, and that's something I've been mulling over lately. I'd hate to say goodbye to my oldest scoot, but I suppose if someone offered me an enticing enough price for my 1958 Heinkel Tourist, I may not be able to refuse the offer...
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Bunsen wrote:
stickyfrog wrote:
Glad to hear it Jess but it just pisses me off more that my one and only is still down waiting for parts.
Oh, no! Are you going to be up and running for the Smokies Rally?
I am planning on it. As long as I at least get the voltage regulator from Athens I am there.
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Impressive. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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