@timcc avatar

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It was a sunny day, there is no better excuse for going for a ride. I headed out of town and did my very best to get lost and for a while I did. I didn't get the best results from my camera mount hanging off of the mirror stem. Only one out of 4 pics turned out and the video was pretty shaky.
I covered about 140 miles in a little over 4 hours. There were these beautiful little yellow butterflies everywhere there was prairie. I ended up wearing a lot of them. I had to stop 3 times to clean the visor. I was all alone on most of the back-roads except for the occasional farm truck or tractor.
One of the curious things about Wisconsin riding on a Vespa: the further from a major city you get, the nicer those guys dressed up like pirates are.
Here's a map overview of the ride: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&doflg=ptm&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=112081814222449787994.00048f0fcc5d9cbd189e4&ll=43.047064,-90.136299&spn=0.240611,0.522881&t=p&z=12

And a few attempts at video:
County Highway J, an often traveled gem.
County Highway J, an often traveled gem.
County Highway F
County Highway F
County Highway C, right before a road closure. Cresting the bluffs over the Wisconsin River.
County Highway C, right before a road closure. Cresting the bluffs over the Wisconsin River.
I was totally lost in the back-roads here.
I was totally lost in the back-roads here.
Sneed Creek Rd is absolutely stunning, but had been recently chip sealed. Damn you pea gravel!
Sneed Creek Rd is absolutely stunning, but had been recently chip sealed. Damn you pea gravel!
More of the pea gravel on Limmex Hill Road. I actually saw some Harley's coming the other way, they don't often leave the highways with numbers in this part of the State.
More of the pea gravel on Limmex Hill Road. I actually saw some Harley's coming the other way, they don't often leave the highways with numbers in this part of the State.
Fast, wide open throttle on Highway 191 on the run to New Glarus. I saw a lot of the big bikes on this road.
Fast, wide open throttle on Highway 191 on the run to New Glarus. I saw a lot of the big bikes on this road.
@erich51 avatar

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Thank you for taking me along on your ride, I
enjoyed going along. It must be comforting to
have all those open roads to ride. 8)
@clodis avatar

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@clodis avatar
GTS 250 ie RED DRAGON & new primavera red
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Tank you for sharing your trip, beautyful .
@old_as_dirt avatar

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@old_as_dirt avatar
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nice trip and route. you need to ride down to Monroe and stop and get a cheese sandwich at Baumgardners.
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