Hypothetically speaking, if your MP3 had the dreaded "notch" couldn't you do the following short-term fix:
1. Release the nuts on the top of each steering stem.
2. WITHOUT TWISTING the fork leg, lower it until the roller bearing is visible and free to move.
3. On the lower race, mark where the centre of one roller is (i.e. where the notch is).
4. Move the roller and cage ONE HALF PITCH so that the notch is now equi-spaced between the rollers.
5. Re-assemble WITHOUT TWISTING. The rollers should now be running on a patch of bearing where there is no notch.
From various photos of the steering bearings, it looks like the rollers are at about 15deg spacing, which means that you can turn the steering thru about 30deg between notches. So, with this fix you would get smooth turning for 15 deg each side of straight ahead. It's not a cure, but it might be enough for most riding situations.
Saves a lot of farting around with grease, brake lines, etc, etc.
⚠️ Last edited by GonzoB on UTC; edited 1 time