Hi gevans3342
Firstly, no, you don't need to remove the hydraulic tubes. You back off both nuts until you can see the bearing rollers as shown further up this thread. I found that I couldn't back off the top nut all the way, then the bottom nut. I had to do them together - the hydraulic tube bracket got in the way.
There is a new technique for tightening the nuts, but you need the special Piaggio tools. They are essentially a LH and RH C-spanner with a special bracket and 1/2" square drive. It's so you can use a torque wrench to tighten the nuts. I haven't used it, but I'm not a fan.
Here's the Piaggio technical note:
I do this:
Tighten the nuts until you get close to closing up all clearance on the bearing. Then tighten the lower nut a bit at a time with a punch, and lift the fork leg in-between tightenings to see if you can still feel clearance. You have to have the wheel off the ground, and lift firmly. You should feel a clunk. Keep doing this (tighten, feel) until the clearance vanishes. Then back off the nut a bit, feel the clearance, then lock down the TOP nut. Feel again. You may have to re-tighten the bottom, then top nuts to get almost all the clearance out. The idea is to have no clearance, and no pre-load on the bearing.
It's a fiddly method, but I couldn't use the 110-deg one, because I could never feel when the bearings were "snugged up"
I don't know how tight the top nut has to be. I tap it into place with a punch and a hammer until it feels firm. It's there to stop the bottom one from undoing itself, so it needs to be sufficiently tight so you need to use a punch or c-spanner to undo it. Sorry for the inexact nature of that comment!
PS: Also, you should do one side at a time.