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I did a search for "dirt roads" and didn't come up with much, so I'm going to post this.

This summer I'm planning on a bit of an adventure ride that will include about 15 miles of dirt roads in each direction. Do I need to be concerned about dust? I was planning on cleaning the air filter at the halfway point in town, but was wondering what others thought? Do I need one of those LML type extra filters under the seat?

Just wondering.

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Re: Dirt Road Riding
pdxjim wrote:
I did a search for "dirt roads" and didn't come up with much, so I'm going to post this.

This summer I'm planning on a bit of an adventure ride that will include about 15 miles of dirt roads in each direction. Do I need to be concerned about dust? I was planning on cleaning the air filter at the halfway point in town, but was wondering what others thought? Do I need one of those LML type extra filters under the seat?

Just wondering.

No. 15 miles ain't going to harm these things. Know how many roads were dirt in Italy when they came out? Imagine how impractical they'd be if people had to stop every few miles and clean the filter. Not to mention all the ones in VN, Middle East, India, South America, etc.

What you need to worry about is not gripping the bars tightly or trying to overcorrect the steering as the tire finds its way along the path of least resistence.

It is the one time when the bars should rest very very loosely in your hands.

99% of wrecks on dirt roads are for someone getting scared and overcompensating.
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Molto Verboso
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Thanks for the advice. I think I know what you're talking about. We've got some long bridges around here with steel grates that some won't even ride on. I manage it by keeping a firm hold on the grips but keeping my arms and elbows somewhat loose and relaxed.

Sounds like dust isn't an issue, then.
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The extra LML filter under the seat is not good for anything.

Seriously, you won't need it. It's not fine enough to filter out the dust, besides sand and dirt will enter the frame from other places.

We rode through sand storms and on dusty roads in a cross-sahara rally with that LML filter. It barely needed cleaning, while the filter in the carb box needed cleaning ever two to three days (about every 1000-1500 km).

At one point I had to remove the gas tank and discovered that a 2 cm layer of (oily) sand was caked around the bottom of the frame. That sand got in there somehow, and it was definately not through the lml filter (too small holes in the filter).

We had some small problems on our trip, but never any engine breakdowns. The dust was never a problem.

30 miles of dust is nothing to worry about..

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My wife and I spend lots of time on dirt roads. Removing a side cowl really shows you how much accumulates under there.

The air filter has really large openings that keep out larger insects and small children. The oil attracts lots of dust that sticks to and builds up on the screen. I wash them when they start looking bad. Some early vehicles had oil bath filters with no filters or screens.

What Magg said. The area under the seat is not a hermetically sealed environment. This vermin residue was under the tank of my last prize, a P sitting since 1985, completely assembled, bellows in place, seat latched, original.
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Are those hazelnuts? Acorns? I love hazelnuts! Some of those look to still be good.

All I ever find is mouse nests.
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