Do you need a clock on your scooter? Or do you want a thermometer?
Until now, I've had a stick-on clock on my wife's 2012 LXV 150ie. Unlike most modern Vespa models, the LXV does not include a clock.
Installed a chrome clock from This nice chrome clock even has a button at the bottom of the face for lighting at night. I like the open back and easy access.
Here is the stick on (before) and the chrome (after). Install took less than 5 minutes, as proven by this clock.
If there was room on the handlebar on the other side, I would add the thermometer.
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Also showing how a thermometer might fit on a GTV 300ie. I already have a clock on this one, but will add an ambient thermometer. Fits 3/4 into its normal seat along the bend. Nice and firm. The bend reflecting on the chrome still gives it a great look.